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Interview Actor Terry Chen

Interview Actor Terry Chen

Dana: Is your character becoming a permanent fixture or just recurring at this time?

Terry Chen: Currently I’m signed on for half the season. I’m having lots of fun these days jumping around on a few shows doing multiple arcs.

Almost Famous
Chen’s breakout role was as real-life Rolling Stone editor Ben Fong-Torres in the 2000 Cameron Crowe film, Almost Famous

Creatively, it’s been such a luxury playing different characters and staying fresh on set.

I’m always trying to add value as an actor to every production and having diverse experiences help filter what works and what doesn’t. Dana: What was it about Continuum that made you want to be a part of the show?

Terry Chen: Continuum is a special one for me, not only because of creator/writer Simon Barry, but because I’m shooting in my home town. The material is original, engaging and set in one of my favorite genres. Our stunt coordinator, Kimani Ray Smith has been one of my closest friends for almost 20 years. But again, at the top of this laundry list is Simon Barry, our fearless leader. It always starts at the top for me. I love working with people that just want to see you win and crush every scene. Simon’s one of those people. Dana: You work with a great ensemble. How much fun does the cast have on the set?

See Also

Terry Chen: Don’t even get me started on the cast. Everyone rocks. We’re all so different and quirky. It’s the true definition of a dysfunctional family.

Dana: Do you find shows such as Continuum more challenging than other roles since it is more supernatural in nature?

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