Pet Behavior and Understanding Jealousy in Pets

By Jennifer Adkins
Pet behavior and Understanding Jealousy in Pets: Staying a step ahead prevents further problems down the road.
Cats and dogs come from all walks of life. Pets live in penthouses and farmhouses, studio apartments and mansions. Some chase mice for a living. Others herd sheep. Some even spend their days on soft cushions, contentedly snoozing between nibbles of filet mignon.
Yet all pets, from the daintiest poodle to the toughest alley cat, have one thing in common: they never forget the important thing in life. They don’t care if it’s raining or the bills are not paid or the bus drivers are out on strike. What they really care about is you. (Although a nice meal and a comfortable place to nap are also nice.)
In return, it’s our job to keep our pets happy and fit. It’s not always easy. Cats and dogs are intelligent, curious creatures, with a tendency to get themselves-paws, whiskers, tails and all into trouble. And when pets get hurt or sick, they can’t tell you what the trouble is, so you have to do a little extra work to figure things out.
While there’s no substitute for regular veterinary care, there’s a lot you can do to keep your pets healthy. A pound of prevention goes along way and veterinarians would agree that the best medical care is daily care. A loving home, a good diet, plenty of exercise and regular grooming will go a long way toward keeping your little furry friends happy and healthy.
To keep problems from getting serious, you need to catch them early. People who watch their pets and are familiar with what’s normal can sometimes tell, even before obvious signs appear, that there’s something wrong.
Observing and understanding cat and dog behavior is a great way to nip problems in the bud rather quickly. Pets have a tendency to become jealous when introduced to a new pet, a new room-mate or perhaps a new baby. Having a pet unprepared can cause many problems that could be prevented in the beginning.
Here are a few tips for cat training and dog training to easily prevent jealousy in your pets.
One is best not to demote him or her. No one enjoys being bottom dog, so try to make your pet feel just as loved as they did before the new situation occurred.
Try your best to stick to the same routine such as keeping the feeding schedule the same.
Feed the older pet first because this will give your original pet priority and prevent cats and dogs from seeing green with envy.
If a new baby is coming soon, it’s best to prepare your animal for what is to come. Playing a recording sound of a baby crying will prepare them of this unusual sound.
Another way to prepare your pet for a baby is to bring home a blanket with the baby’s scent on it. This will help your pet to get used to the smell and it won’t be such a shock when the baby does come.
Preparing your pet for a new baby is really important because you want the bond t a smooth transition for pets, family and the baby.
Pets that are properly prepared will accept a new baby with less additional stress. Stressors include the following; lack of attention, new sounds, new scents and decreased territory space from all the baby paraphernalia.
The trick with any new introduction is to go slow, stay patient and do the right thing by letting the pet bond at his own pace. Furthermore, this will make the pet less likely to become aggressive later on causing increased problems.
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About the Author
To learn more great tips on pet behavior, be sure to visit jealousy in cats and dogs and cat and dog behavior at my website.
If you would like to read more about my personal journey and the solutions that have worked for my cats and dogs. Please visit the links below to find valuable info and fun loving stories that I will continue to share.

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