Spirit Talk – Forgiveness

Spirit Talk with James Van Praagh
Premiers Thursday, 10 April
Upon death, we can carry the burdens of our life into the spirit realm if we do not learn to let them go. Forgiveness can be wonderful blessing for releasing these burdens. James van Praagh presents a meditation on forgiveness before connecting audience members with spirit.
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Spirit Talk on GaiamTV
About Spirit Talk
Mankind has long sought to understand the mysteries of the afterlife and communicate with lost loved ones. As we increase our understanding of the human soul and our place within the universe, we can learn how to make this connection. World renowned spirit medium James Van Praagh brings us one step closer to heaven by resolving our concerns of the afterlife and offers a bridge to reconnect hearts and souls across the veil.
James Van Praagh, Gaiam TV, Spirit Talk, Conscious TV, Forgiveness

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