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Trademarks™ of a Separation Consciousness

Trademarks™ of a Separation Consciousness


By Mandy Petersen

Within the new-age there are many concepts that are pursued in a contradictory fashion. Not that it isn’t natural that this would happen as individuals begin to explore new ideas and new ways of thinking. After all, the new-age is still “new” and a baby in ways. Many individuals within it are still growing in their understanding and have not become fully enlightened. As a result, certain concepts may be espoused without a real understanding of how to implement them within our physical lives.

While we could discuss the numerous ways that the new-age tends to pursue concepts in a contradictory fashion, this article is focused primarily on the idea of “Oneness.” It intends to open a dialogue regarding some small ways in which we can more fully enter a Oneness consciousness through understanding what has us stuck in actively pursuing separation.

Part of the problem may be that we do not understand what the physical “trademarks” of a separation consciousness are. To understand this, we need to be able to define “Oneness” in a way that moves beyond believing we are One in spirit alone.


Oneness is a state of being a part of everything. Everything and everyone within the “One” is a part of it. In the spiritual dimension, it is recognized that we are all equal to one another and part of the same source. However, we demonstrate how well we understand this spiritual truth when we can begin to align it with our physical existence and create a bridge.

In the physical dimension, due to our separateness-based lifestyles, it can be a little more challenging to walk the “oneness” talk. However, if we can understand the concept of collective consciousness—and the collective manifestations that arise from it—then we can begin to understand how we all together (all of our thoughts, lifestyles based on them, ideas, etc.) create a bigger picture. In fact, the world and environment will thrive in peace and love the more simple and sharing we can become. For, the need to be consumer-driven arises from separation consciousness and illusion. In truth, we own nothing that is separate from everyone else and we think nothing that is wholly separate from the collective consciousness.


Separation consciousness thrives on the belief that we are all separate. Because we are all separate, we need to strive to create a singular identity that is better than or less than others. It thrives on the belief that everything we own is not shared by our brothers and sisters. It is a way to live that is concerned for one’s own personal survival rather than the health and prosperity of the collective. Because separation consciousness breeds insecurity, there is a desire to own and amass possessions and to make ourselves stand out from the crowd.


1. The need to own things; including the need for trademarks and copyrights.

When we understand that we own everything together, and that thoughts are vibrational and contained within the whole, we no longer need to “own” names, words, ideas or written works. We no longer need to “own” possessions or parts of the Earth. The fact that we think we can own bits of the Earth demonstrates how lost in illusion and separation consciousness we are. Earth and her creatures are a part of the whole (and a part of us) and are not slaves for us to own.

We are still stuck in these ways, however, because of our consumer driven lifestyles. We feel helpless to do anything but follow the “rules” of a dysfunctional society, lest we end up persecuted or in jail. It’s hard to publish a book without being required to have a copyright, ISBN number, etc. While it is not required we change everything overnight (we would experience too much fear), we can produce an inner shift through first awakening to what keeps us separated or what can pave a middle way.

Ultimately, when we can get past our fear of sharing our “things” and can instead realize that we all own together everything and all ideas (as they sit within the collective consciousness), we can begin to let go of needing to identify with “things” as our own, rather than belonging to the whole.

2. The need for labels and signifiers of our specialness.

We are all bits of everything. We are all part of a collective consciousness that is becoming enlightened. Thus, we are all star children, blue rays, indigos, twin flames, etc. We are all shifting through these energies to various degrees because the energy is not born with a person but within the collective. If we can begin to see the energies as within the whole, rather than something to identify us as separate from it, we can begin to move into believing we are part of the whole, rather than needing to feel better than or less than others. Life is a dance and we are each a dancer that is integral to that dance.

3. The need to blame our collective “parents” for our collective problems.

While all types of blame are based in separation consciousness, the illuminati fascination is a more collective expression of it. There is a lot of blame being projected onto what we see as the “higher forces” around us. This blame lacks understanding or a sense of responsibility toward how we move together as a collective. It has us waiting for “the others” to fix the problems of the world—while we sit back and continue to actively engage in what causes these problems. This is because we, ourselves, do not wish to give up our own leisure and comfort to more purposely serve the whole.

Instead of projecting our greed onto “the others,” we can begin to see where the same mind-set exists internally. Where do we like short cuts? Where are we buying from corporations or taking advantage of what creates environmental or other problems for the world? We don’t have to believe that the only way to transcend the bigger issues of the world is to get rid of the source of our projections (our governments, etc.). We could better solve problems that are founded upon the actions of consumers through understanding the Law of Supply and Demand and that we must first change the demand.

If we can band together (as much as we can) in new ways while creating new lifestyles and ways to live (which detach us from power companies, corporations, government dependencies, etc.), then the energy can begin to shift towards sharing and wholeness. Communities are arising that are starting to do this. Not that it is easy.

4. The need to mass market products or services—in a purely profit driven manner—for primarily the benefit of the self.

See Also

While we all have to have something to live on, the abundance movement (when it’s focused on purely physical abundance) is one of the greatest promoters of separation consciousness and illusion. It teaches us that we must strive to get ahead, to compete in the world, to be “successful” in a definition that defines success externally. It doesn’t promote abundance through sharing or through caring about how profits and products are beneficial or detrimental to the whole (i.e. environmentally and socially in their creation, production, and promotion). It promotes abundance through amassing “be-longings” (longings for things to identify with).

While there are other trademarks that could be listed, these four trademarks will likely be enough to promote within the mind a new way to look at things—enough that it can awaken the reader to new insights. The first step is awakening, which will help the new-age to shift out of its “new” and limited way of thinking and seeing things. Because we are one, it is natural that over time the collective will experience the shifts in consciousness that will help it to move in a new direction in (where our ideas of oneness become easier to implement).

However, are you ready? Or do you enjoy the perks that you experience from your separateness too much to join together in wholeness to create a “New World” of Peace, Oneness and Love?

Something to think about…

Note: Most of the knowledge I gain on these subjects comes through working with Archangel Ariel—archangel of nature and manifestation. I do not promote that I am a perfect example, nor do I understand everything that can be understood on this subject.

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About the Author

Mandy Peterson is a psychic visionary, empath, channel and EFT Practitioner. She is the author of the book I Am the Lotus, Not the Muddy Pond: Peace Through Non-conformity and the EFT Divination & Chakra Deck. As an empathic healer and reader, Mandy works 1-to-1 with clients, helping them to achieve clarity, peace and balance. For more information, see the website

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