9 Reasons for Spiritual Deadlock
Spiritual Deadlock – is it a wake up call?
You are enlightened yet something seems ‘blasé’, out of sync, it’s not so enlightening also !
OMG ! Am I stuck? But I thought I was ‘awakened’….or let’s say that’s what everyone thought
about me …! Goodness now where am I ? I underwent a breakthrough, catharsis, than re birth …yet.
I am still not fulfilled …I feel restless ! “Does this sound like you ? “ Ah ha …now what you are facing is a ‘stalemate’ situation …it’s like you are in ‘water’, flapping your arms and legs yet not moving ahead…sounds pretty ‘blocked’. How on earth did I fall into the trap…all my efforts seem to get me on a re bound…! Hey ! Another re birth ! Gosh now that’s no good ! What do I do ?
Well yes ! you definitely are in a ‘spiritual slumber’…’or ‘dark night’…that’s what every seeker undergoes once in a while; quite frustrating though. There could be many factors which could regress your spiritual ‘hunger’, so to speak. Let’s understand the primary factors causing such a ‘regression’ in one’s life …
9 Reasons for Spiritual Deadlock
Spiritual Deadlock #1 – Loss of interest in meditation or “too bored”….unable to connect – You started with the meditation regime very ‘methodically’, attended all sorts of meditation classes, got the best ‘yoga/meditation’ guru to train you but to no avail . As the saying goes “ repeat the dose till the patient dies”, and you did the same…repeated your meditation dose so much that you ended up…’dead’, not physically dead …but yes, metaphorically ‘dead’…’listless’ ! All the spiritual experiences became redundant and you just ‘surrendered’! Give me a break !
Yes you definitely need a break . Don’t push the tide …let it flow…so if something doesn’t give you the high or contentment you are looking for, change course, try something new for a while; when it feels ok get back to your regime. Take it easy!
Spiritual Deadlock #2 – Diet – You started your re birth with a pledge that ‘now and for ever’ , organic and vegan is my savior. It did work wonders for your mind, body, spirit …for years so to speak but of late you are finding it very ‘mundane’, no ‘fun’. So what next, you decide to go dive in the ‘real’ …’human’ life and enjoy the ‘hot and spicy’, not to forget ‘fast food yummies’…cocktails so on and so forth. You feel on ‘top of the world’…imagine missing all the ‘culinary delights’ for so many years; you just go on a bingeing spree. Poor ‘vessel’ of yours is shocked not to mention ‘burdened’ to no ends after being fed a light, smooth, clean diet it ‘just can’t take this ‘maniac FOOD’ …you end up with all sorts of gastro problems; to your utter shock you are advised to go vegan and light again ! You feel just so ‘disconnected’…!
Spiritual Deadlock #3 – Improper sleep patterns – Well what do we say for this one. Due to lot of dimensional shifts, energy pattern changing…a lot of us are either too deprived of good 8 hour sleep or just over sleeping or even worse just can’t seem to enjoy sound sleep. Not your fault but it definitely ‘hit’s’ the normal body functioning . You are unable to enjoy the ‘simple’ things in life because ‘insomnia’ makes you feel like a ‘zombie’ all the time. So time to be easy on yourself, listen to soft, calming music and pamper yourself to sleep. Once your body adjusts to the changing vibrations get back to your meditative/spiritual practices.
Spiritual Deadlock #4. Too busy with work – With ‘cost of living’ sky rocketing and if one dreams to live in a ‘plush’ city than it’s important one works and earns his/her bread. An – many a times the work one does may not align with one’s passion, so the ‘grind’ can really kill your ‘seeking thirst’ because ‘work’ leaves you with absolutely ‘no ‘ …’ME’ time. What do you do ? Go for a vacation once in a while; re connect to the ‘real’ you …it will leave you replenished.
Spiritual Deadlock #5 – Caught in social gimmicks – Wow! this one is a ‘buster’…however ‘non social’ you may want to be but trust me certain ‘necessary evil’, social engagements will want you ‘present’. Whether you are employed or jobless, it hardly matters. You may keep dreaming of a ‘retreat’ in the ‘Himalayas vis-a-vis a five star ‘late night’…’glitzy party’, but face it…your presence is ‘mandatory’…that’s life! So balance it out …and instead of taking it as a punishment …go easy, smile!
Spiritual Deadlock #6 – Overdose of media flicks – Media runs through the ‘millennial’ vein…in fact a tweet on your iPhone sounds more ‘loud’ these days than a real bird’s chirpy ‘tweet…tweet’…that’s 21st century …the ‘wired’ and need we say ‘weird’ age ? Even the Pranayama has become so ‘techno’ that without the ‘head phones’…one doesn’t get the ‘himalayan feel’…how awesome is that !
So are we breathing …’prana’ or is that too ‘tech driven’…? Time to go ‘fresh’…
Spiritual Deadlock #7 – Lack of physical activity – I guess most of us will vouch by this. We want it all on the ‘couch’ …does that resonate ? With all the human created luxuries comes human created ‘miseries’…am I right ? First, one wants to taste all ‘vines’ …than dine and I dare not say …than ‘whine’. Let’s be honest, whom are we fooling and why? It’s our body not someone else’s ! As the saying goes ‘All work and no play’ makes Jack a ‘dull boy’. So guys please ‘exercise’!
Spiritual Deadlock #8 – Illness – For obvious reasons ; if you fall into the trap of the ‘material’ than ‘join hands’ with the immaterial…yes ! medicines, hospital visits and all the ‘crap’ that comes with it. If in the first place you knew ‘how to’… mark your boundaries, create healthy life style; this would never even bother you .
Spiritual Deadlock #9 Negative people around – Move on …does that sound ‘sane’ ? Moving on when your environment does not support your ‘soul purpose’. Yes agreed that everytime ‘moving on’ in the physical terms is not possible but yes at least build ‘resilience’…and move on at mental level . Don’t take criticisms, judgements personally, if ‘humans’ are alive so will the ‘critics’ be, so might as well take them in your stride with a pinch of ‘sour humour’ and walk on and walk tall. You are definitely ‘worthy’!
So these were some of the reasons for spiritual deadlock which can deviate you from your spiritual path …’once in a while’. And trust me all ‘self created’. But these short detours also have their hidden blessings ; it’s like ‘peace’ after the storm. These ‘distractions’ give you an indication that yes you still have a ‘long journey’ ahead…you have just started …so carry on…you will be wiser the next time you ‘de rail’…if you ever do!
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About the Author
Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach. She is the Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 India. She is a published author. She has written two books of Spiritual/Inspirational genre “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume I” and “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II”.You can reach her at: www.sunandatarot.com
Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach from India. She is a member of Best American Psychics Team 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013 and Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 in India.
ya i am in this dead lock phase now. anything remotely related to spirituality actually makes me
sick to the stomach. i suddenly feel a desire to live like the folk . i.e without magic or LOA or anything. just like Human. the stuff of going with the flow. and being passive observer than an active creator.