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The Art of Surrender and Letting Go

The Art of Surrender and Letting Go


by Susan Brown

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”

–Henry Havelock Ellis

Surrender, letting go of what no longer serves us, can be difficult. Many of us in today’s culture were brought up to believe that if we simply work long and hard enough; if we hold on, hang in, ‘lean in’ long enough, that we will be able to wrest satisfaction from whatever we set our minds to; that our personal visions of money, property and prestige can and will be realized.

The divine universe, however, is a wonderful and ever-resourceful teacher. As we set about with our life ‘plans,’ it has a way of stepping in and bringing us face to face with those illusions of personal control which do not serve our highest soul growth. The overriding goal, of course, is to compel us to reevaluate those thoughts and their underlying paradigms which subconsciously drive our behaviors, and to help us surrender and let go of any and all of these energy patterns not working toward our highest good.

How does surrender occur?

Witness around us the ever changing and chaotic nature of the economic and social climate of our times. The truth of what we are seeing is actually a vast collective. It also is a personal opportunity for each of us, along with our institutions, each body politic, to discern whether to hold on to old paradigms. We may choose, instead, to let go and surrender to some inflowing choice which requires change. What we all know is that some people, places, and things are slower to embrace change than others!

Why is change and surrender so difficult?

Because of the ego’s desire for control, surrender usually only results when all of its plans and designs fail somehow; when everything it hoped and desired and tried does not manifest, or when there is just nowhere left to turn. It is then, in this “holy instant” or “moment of clarity,” that the ego-mind becomes teachable, trapped as it is within the folds of its electromagnetic forgetting. It is finally ready to reach out and seek something beyond itself.

We have certainly seen this ‘brinkmanship’ at work in government. With nowhere virtually left to turn, lawmakers compromise. Addicts, having finally reached their final ‘bottom,’ cry out for help. So, too, do many others let go who find that they have somehow reached an impasse; that there are limits to personal self-will.

There is a well-known adage in addiction recovery known as, ‘surrender to win,’ which captures the counterintuitive nature of this process of surrender and letting go. It recognizes that, once surrender occurs, something energetic happens: There is a space created for something else, divine intelligence, if you will, to finally work its magic. It goes to work on our behalf, unencumbered by our efforts to hang onto outcomes and results.

See Also

Now, more than ever, we are all being called to heal our pasts so that we can calmly and clearly claim our futures. To do so, means that we must surrender the old and accept the new; not an easy process or transition for any of us. The first step is to recognize that we do not have to push through, hang in or self-sustain it all. There is a loving force in the universe which is all around us, enfolding us, and which is waiting to assist us. All we need to do is surrender and let go.

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About the Author

Sue Brown, with a diverse background in metaphysics and the healing arts, is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, an Advanced Vortex Healer, Theta Healer, Certified Breathwork Practitioner, Life Purpose Coach and, after three years of study, is now ordained in the Order of Melchizedek. Sue spent many years in the corporate world until addiction caused her to seek healing, and is in recovery for almost 20 years.

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