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The Book of Forgiving

The Book of Forgiving

Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu

The Book of Forgiving: The Four-Fold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World

To learn more about the Tutu Global Forgiveness Challenge or to purchase the book, click the cover!

By Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu

“How do we forgive?”

How does the mother whose husband and daughter were gunned down by terrorists forgive the men that slaughtered them?

How do the parents whose teenagers were killed by a drunk driver embrace the person whose selfish act robbed them of their children?

And how do we forgive the multitude of wrongs and slights that we will inevitably face throughout our lives?

See Also

These are the questions posed by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Desmond Tutu and his daughter Reverend Mpho Tutu in The Book of Forgiving: The Four-Fold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World (HarperOne/March 2013) . Using real examples from their own lives and those of others around the globe, this father and daughter offer a roadmap – a unique and practical guide that we can all apply to our own lives.

No one is better placed to offer guidance and hope in a turbulent world than the former Archbishop of Cape Town. In 1995 Tutu was appointed as chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate apartheid-era crimes. The world watched, stunned, as a nation ripped apart by racism and brutal violence was steered towards peace as scores of people spurred by hate under an oppressive regime, owned up to their human rights abuses and sought forgiveness from those they brutalized.

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