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Conscious TV Week of 26 May

Conscious TV Week of 26 May


Conscious Entertainment

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Conscious TV Week of 26 May

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Finding True Wealth

New Episodes of Beyond Belief every Monday– Jim Paris had a life that most people would consider ideal. Despite his great financial success, everything he worked so hard for was instantly taken away when his brother betrayed him. Penniless with no hope in sight, suicide seemed to be the only way out. However, the moment he forgave his brother, his life began to change. Jim Paris recounts the trials and tribulations he endured that led him to discover the meaning of true wealth.

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Secrets of the Shroud: The First Icon

New Episodes of Arcanum every Tuesday – The Shroud of Turin is the most mysterious relic in all of human history. More than just a relic, it is a holy icon written in the blood of Christ. Many believe that it holds the true face of Jesus and points the way to ascension. Clare and William Henry examine the history and authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, suggesting that it is truly the first icon of transfiguration.

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Psychic Abilities

New Episodes of Spirit Talk every Thursday – Each one of us holds the seed of psychic ability deep within the psyche. We call it intuition. It helped our ancient ancestors stay alive and it can help guide you through everyday life. Some people are naturally more sensitive than others, but everyone can tap into and develop this inner knowingness. James Van Praagh offers exercises to help you connect with your intuition before he offers spirit readings to a live studio audience.

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Raw Food for a Real Life

New Episodes of On the Road with Lilou every Friday – We have all heard the benefits of changing diet and lifestyle can dramatically improve health. Yet, we find it difficult to make that transition. Making this change may not be easy, but it is not as difficult as we may think. Dr. Brian Clement, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, explains the benefits of a raw food diet and of the institute’s Life Transformation Program.

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