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Gifts Along the Path

Gifts Along the Path


The path of life offers many gifts. Over the last 25 years, people have been noticing a strange “coincidence.” It seems every time they stop to look at the clock, it flashes the time 11:11. Even people who are not on a conscious spiritual journey have grown aware of these repeating numbers. Spiritual centers and metaphysical churches all over the world have been teaching about the gateway to ascension through 11:11 and sacred geometry as interest in this phenomenon increased. Now, people from all walks of life feel a heightened level of awareness that leads them to look at life from a deeper perspective; a symbolic one that changes the way we perceive what used to be ordinary.

This is exciting, as it invites us to see more clearly the many personal and tangible gifts the universe sends to us every day. We receive gifts from the angelic realm, our guides on higher dimensions, which are delivered to us through natural, earthly elements. Maybe we find feathers at our feet or stumble upon a crystalized rock as we go on our way. We may be momentarily stunned by a cloud formation that looks angelic, and we stand perfectly still, locked in the wonder of divine message.

Where Can We Find These Gifts?

These gifts are often brought to us by creatures in the natural environment who pay us joyful, unexpected visits. Where we once might have viewed them as random, we now accept them as spiritual messengers, poking our shoulder, checking in on us. Today, we welcome a spontaneous chorus of chirping as extraordinary, divine accompaniment.

I knew a woman who, at 44, was left with three children and a house she could no longer afford. Her husband’s torturous death from brain cancer devoured her finances and left her emotionally devastated and spent. During what became a prolonged and oppressive depression, she began noticing a butterfly hovering over the flower box at her front door. For a second, she would feel an inner spark and think of her husband.

As she saw this butterfly every day, her moments of joy increased, eventually turning into a feeling of comfort. When conditions forced her to sell her house and move to a smaller, less prestigious home, she felt displaced and desperate….until she noticed something remarkable. She would open the front door and see a butterfly, which she firmly believed was sent by her husband in spirit. These visitations from spirit assure us we are not alone. We regain hope through these messengers.

Consider the objects you find in the physical world, especially when they are repeated. Do you find feathers? Flowers? Crystalized rocks? Who is the sender and what is their message? Close your eyes, ask, and you’ll know.

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About the Author

Lisa Shaw is an animal communicator, spiritual counselor, and Reiki Master who lives with her three dogs and macaw in South Florida. She is an English professor and metaphysical teacher whose e-book, “Illumination: Life Lessons from our Animal Companions,” is available on Amazon/Kindle.

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