Making the Change

by Janice Chrysler
Change happens throughout our lives, and perhaps at this very moment, there comes a time when we feel as though we have awakened to the world around us. Most often this awakening is brought on by some drama or trauma in our lives which has forced us to come face to face with the reality of a situation. It might be our own physical or emotional health, the wellbeing of someone in our care, our finances, jobs, relationships, grieving, or spiritual growth. It may even be with the everyday routines we have gone through year after year without much pleasure or thought of how it could be changed.
Then it happens, the one thing that we just couldn’t take anymore and we finally, after perhaps years, realize that if we want change we will have to do it ourselves. Complaining about our health, our job and/or our state of mind isn’t getting us anywhere. No knight in shining armor is coming to take us away, so what do we do? We awaken to the truth that WE are the ones who can make change possible in our lives and we do it.
It is just as simple and as complex as that. There the first step is taken and we must now be prepared to meet head-on the challenges that await us.
Everything begins with a thought, so we first need to recognize and accept that we need to believe we can and will become the change we wish in our lives. No one can bring that to us; we have to create it. If we decide that we are never going to be happy again, it will not matter who we meet, where we go, or what we do; we will not discover happiness in our world. However, if we decide we are going to change all that and begin the process of looking for joy within ourselves, give gratitude and accept the compliments when given, and share our thoughts with others in a positive manner, we will be pleasantly surprised what has been right beside us all this time.
Opportunities can present themselves; but if we do nothing to activate them and bring them to life in our world, then we are the ones to blame. If we find we are going in circles then we need to look and see if we have ever made any motion to change our direction, try something new and be open to another’s view point. Often we are so focused on doing things a certain way or expecting others to react and act a certain way we become blinded to the role we are playing in the situation. Change isn’t always easy and for some people it is very stressful, but then living a life that is not fulfilling or void of happiness is not the best either. It comes down to making a choice; choosing to remain living in certainty which is really living in our past or deciding to accept change into our lives.
Steps to Change:
Is it enough, then, to simply state that things needs to change? You have recognized whatever you are doing isn’t working, so will the rest be up the universe to correct? It is not that easy.
Recognizing you are tired of the way things are is one thing, and making up your mind to begin making a difference is another. Until you can say, “I am tired of feeling this way and I am willing and ready to change it beginning right now,” nothing will happen. Acknowledging things need to change is the first step but it is not all that is needed. This is your journey, your choice. You need to be willing to make that commitment to seize the opportunities, ask for help, then be able to set your ego aside and accept the help when it comes into your life. It is also taking responsibility for your part in the whole situation without judgment or excuses. Admit you may have made a few mistakes; but are now going to forgive yourself and others, learn and move forward.
You may need to pick yourself up a few times, dust yourself off and start again, but that is okay. You are on your way to making changes needed in your life. No one can do this for you. It is all up to you. Are you ready to begin your adventure and step out of that comfort zone? Are you at a point in your life when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you brave enough to ask the three soul questions: “Who am I? What do I desire? What is my purpose?” Then are you able to trust the answers will come to you when the time is right? Can you visualize yourself in a better place, emotionally, physically or spiritually?
Think it, see it as though it already exists, feel it in every cell of your body, and above all believe you have the power, the desire and the right to be all you can be. What are you waiting for? Now is the best time to awaken and let your spirit shine through.
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About the Author
Janice Chrysler enjoys following her path as a Spiritual Growth Facilitator, where she can use her training and experience as a Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Spiritual Coach in creating unique private and group sessions. She encourages everyone to seek the divine within, honor it and draw from that strength to make life changes thus growing in mind, body and spirit. Visit for more details.

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