The Many Facets of Love

Facets of Love
by Jenny Griffin
Love is like a shiny diamond with many sides, all facing different directions, some in shadow, some in light. It is all-encompassing, in a way that is heart-openingly simple and yet complex, all at once.
Love is an action, a state of being, an emotion, a gift, a word, and so much more. It is the essence of existence, and it is everything.
Everything is love.
We’ve heard this before, and it may not appear to be profound, until we strip away all the structures around our understanding of this and the simplicity of it is revealed. Again, everything is love, and love is everything.
Everything means every thing. It means exactly what it says. Abuse is love, war is love, terror is love, disease is love, fear is love. This is perhaps where the more profound understanding begins to kick in.
How can all these things, which we’ve come to believe are not aligned with love, be love?
And how does this work in conjunction with the accepted understanding that there are two opposing forces in the universe, fear and love?
It is the difference between the filtered human view of love and love in its divine state. The seeds of all things are love, and they are put here in this dimension to encourage us to stretch into alignment with the truth in our hearts.
Love, in this dimension, has come to mean happy feelings of comfort, admiration, and acceptance; limited in its form through our human desire to feel ‘good’ as much of the time as possible.
Love is supposed to look and feel a certain way, or it is said to be something other than love (for instance, aligned with fear). Words are thrown around to measure the levels and intensity of the experience. The first time we say, ‘I love you,’ it is taken as a huge step towards the cementing of that particular truth in our lives.
We, as humans, come into this incarnation and forget the truth that lies beyond. We accept, wholeheartedly, the illusions of this reality and all they offer us. In doing so, we disconnect from the knowledge of what love really is.
We learn to expect it to look a certain way: a parent that offers you encouragement at every step, or says, “I love you,” as they tuck you into bed.
We expect a love partner to magically provide us with a sense of our attractiveness or worthiness, and support us unquestioningly in everything we do. We expect love to feel blissful and warm and squishy, imbuing us with a sense of happiness that we have been seeking.
It may be most difficult to see love where it is not expected; such as, in the form of an abusive parent or a cheating partner. We want to find it only in the happy stuff, the stuff that feels nice to be around, because we believe that is where love is.
Unconditional love is something that is said to be quite rare and extra-special. Through the eyes of source, unconditional love exists in every moment and in the darkest, deepest reaches of the universe. It is everywhere, everything, and ever-present.
To give another soul (or many) the harsh and trying lessons they most need to grow into the enormity of their true selves, may be one of the most difficult and most loving acts we can do for another. It sometimes means the soul here, on Earth, has to face years of loneliness and isolation, as they push people further and further away from them with their acts.
It may mean they engender a hatred that runs through generations of souls, across nations or ethnicities. It means they give their life to shift a deep movement towards something that will help individuals or humanity grow, and that is so divinely loving and beautiful it is hard to fathom.
For souls to destroy one another, there must first exist enormous love to support the need for growth on such an exponential level that these situations incur. There must exist a well of such enormous love that the prospect of returning to it is the only reason a soul would undertake such a task in the first place.
This is the true meaning of unconditional love–not the limited, human understanding of it-as in, ‘love that accepts you in spite of ___,’ but a truly limitless love that exists without conditions on its form, manifestation, or personification.
The 3-D understanding is a mirror of the truth, but it overlooks the shadowed facets of the diamond that are still parts of the whole. We might not think to look for unconditional love in an act of terror or war; yet, it is there, a seed planted to shift the external towards what we understand as love. If it takes an act of terror to do it, it shows how far we have strayed from our connection with it in the first place.
We all come from this. We are all made of this love, and to it we will return. We have the option of returning to it while still in human form, if we so choose. All we have to do is accept that the true meaning of unconditional love is that it is everything, unlimited by the bounds of our perceptions of how it is ‘supposed’ to look.
With this understanding clear in our hearts and minds, we can step into the truth of our divinity, knowing that each experience holds within it the gift of love. It may appear to be buried under all kinds of pain and challenges, but in truth, it is there to trigger growth and acceptance of its unconditional nature.
If it weren’t for the shadows, some people would never find love at all, because it is where they spend the majority of their time. Are they any less deserving of this truth than those who only seek it in the light? The truth is, they aren’t.
We are being asked to release ourselves from the burden of the fear-love duality and accept the truth that love is the only force that exists. The many facets make the diamond all the more beautiful.
About the Author
Jenny Griffin, also known as ‘The Catharsis Coach,’ is a high-level intuitive guide, empath, and channel. Her journey through catharsis, a deep, deep letting go of ingrained patterns and beliefs, resulted in a feeling of connectedness, with the world around her and with that wise and wonderful voice within. Jenny has learned to engage with her life and experiences in ways that allow her to use the knowledge gained through them to serve others. When she’s not writing, she’s coming up with new ways to help people move through change with grace and ease. You can find her at: The Power of Change on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and on Twitter.

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