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Numerology Forecast for the Month of May

Numerology Forecast for the Month of May


By Alison Baughman

May is a 5 month so it is time to channel your “inner Bohemian” and step outside of your comfort zone. May is perfect timing to try something you have always wanted to do. My recommendation is to go out there and create a new experience for yourself!~ It is also a good time to make some needed changes, especially after the intense energy of April where we all may have felt a little boxed in. The energy is moving forward this month so get ready and get motivated. It would be an ideal time to take a vacation and do a little traveling. Yes, go out and explore your world. It is excellent timing to work on any form of communication so whether you are planning to write a book, start a journal or share your ideas, the month of May supports you endeavors. Be sure to check your Personal Numerology Monthly Forecast for additional insight.

Numerology Monthly Forecasts

May Monthly Forecasts * (please note that if you do not know what your Personal Year Number is, please visit the Monthly Forecast Page at for instructions or email me at with your date of birth and I will be happy to calculate it for you).

If you are in a 1 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 6 PERSONAL MONTH for you: Love and relationships are front and center this month. If you are in a relationship, you may feel the urge to deepen it by making more of a commitment. Perhaps it is time to retire your “little black book”. On the same note, if this relationship has problems, you may very well be packing up and heading on down the highway. This month is focused upon your relationships. If you are having problems with your relationships, my advice is to sit down and have a heart to heart and be truthful about how you are feeling. One thing is for certain, you may have to devote more time to family or a loved one. For example, there may be a family crisis or something having to do with the family that requires your attention. This month offers you the opportunity to be helpful and nurturing. You may have to assume some additional responsibilities. Career and finances should be good this month.

If you are in a 2 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 7 PERSONAL MONTH for you: The force is with you in May. It is time to tune into your inner guidance system because this month brings highly intuitive and psychic energy your way. Your dreams may become intense but look for the messages in them. Take time to go for walks, read and meditate and you will find that this month offers you a great deal of insight about your life and your role in it. You may gain insight in areas of your life where previously, you were unclear. You should put your career, social life and other material things on the back burner and make use of this time to reflect and even rest up a bit. You may even find the pace of your life slows down a little bit to allow you the luxury to get lost in your thoughts. This is an excellent month to take a class or read a book or to even do a little research. Exercise your brain and you will be glad you did. You may not be feeling as social as you usually do, perhaps feeling the need to spend some time alone. Don’t worry as you will be back to your old self next month. Be patient with yourself and others. Take care of your health.

If you are in a 3 PERSONAL YEAR, May is an 8 PERSONAL MONTH for you: Finally comes a month that will be positive for career and finances. You can expect the proverbial “pat on the back” this month for a job well done and this also could come in the form of a promotion or some kind of financial reward. Do not be afraid to show the world how very capable you are and be aggressive when it comes to business. Anything having to do with finances should turn out well for you so if you have thought of investing or perhaps trying to re-mortgage your home, this month should bring positive results. This would be the month that I would give you my blessings to go play a dollar or two on the lottery because you should be lucky with money this month. This would also be a good time to take a look at your finances and make sure you are allocating your money wisely. You may have an urge to spend some money on something lavish this month. Just make sure you can afford it.

If you are in a 4 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 9 PERSONAL MONTH for you: This month opens the door to the possibility of problems with a relationship that can be personal or work-related. Trust issues or perhaps a great disappointment has occurred and you may decide to end the relationship or distance yourself from the situation. Whatever the case, be very careful of being angry to too judgmental but rather just end it and forgive the person and move on. There is no sense dwelling on it as it was not meant to be. This is also a good month to finish up any projects or work that you have been putting off. Focus on completing projects and refrain from starting anything new this month. This Year has certainly made work a priority and you probably already sense that there is no relief in sight but next month has a few changes in store so don’t despair. Whenever the 4 energy is present, we seem to have lowered vitality so with that being said ” early to bed ‘ for you this month, eat right and take your vitamins!` Your health can suffer from stress that is mostly related to the intensity of your work this year so take some time to relax and regroup.

If you are in a 5 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 1 PERSONAL MONTH for you: Physically, you should feel very energetic this month and you will need that extra energy because this could turn out to be an action packed month for you. Opportunities with your career are on the agenda and you may not have a lot of advance warning so be prepared to move quickly. You could be motivated to start some new venture or be given a new opportunity and you definitely should act on it. Be aware that things that are begun in a 1 Personal Month have a greater chance of succeeding so take advantage! Money could go through your hands like water through a sieve this month so be a little cautious when it comes to overspending. Romance is highly favored so if you are single, pay attention because you may be introduced to someone new. I do hate to throw cold water on this relationship but chances are it might be tons of fun but not lasting in nature. If married, you may meet someone who sparks some interest and some restraint will be needed.

If you are in a 6 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 2 PERSONAL MONTH for you: This month can be an emotional one and relationships, family and friends can require some additional comfort, love and nurturing. This year has brought you additional responsibility in all areas of your life, home as well as career and you have been sacrificing your time and energy more so than usual. This month it is important to keep the peace and harmony with your relationships and be sensitive to the needs of others. If you find yourself in the middle of a quarrel, the best course is to find a peaceful resolution. Any other response can bring difficulties. Consequently, you are feeling a bit more sensitive and emotional this month. Be patient with yourself and understand it is the energy of this month that heightens your sensitivities. No matter what is going on, you will be able to sense what needs to be done. Be tactful and diplomatic. Follow your inner guidance and intuition. You may also be feeling very indecisive this month so I do advise putting off major decisions until you can see clearly. For those looking for love, romance is on the agenda and even one that could turn out to be committed and long-lasting. This is an excellent month for meeting someone.

If you are in a 7 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 3 PERSONAL MONTH for you: You have been doing some serious reflecting on your life and soul searching this year but May brings a change of pace. Call your travel agent and take a vacation and if that is not possible, just plan some fun and relaxing playful adventures. You may want to get in touch with your friends and spend some time with them and it is a “full steam ahead” kind of month for social situations. You may gain some valuable insight from long conversations with your friends. You are better able to express your thoughts and ideas this month so take advantage of the energy of this month and talk to people and express yourself. You will make a good impression. You also are especially lucky this month. Let’s not forget, you are also more creative this month so tap into that energy. Perhaps you might want to journal or do some decorating but whatever it is, let your imagination create a little sparkle this month. When it comes to romance, you are magnetic this month so get ready for some attention. On the spiritual front, be prepared for some intense dreams which may just be giving you messages from above.

See Also
Business Numerology

If you are in an 8 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 4 PERSONAL MONTH for you: It is a good thing you are focused on your career and finances this year because May is going to bring extra work. You may start off the month feeling frustrated because you have to deal with boring details and work as usual and you definitely will be putting in some overtime. It is best to just buckle down and get organized and make the best possible use out of your time. This month is very important to your future as the effort you put in here will bring you new opportunities in June. It is also a good month to do remodeling in the home or finish up long-postponed projects. You have discipline at your disposal this month so use it. It will pay off!~ Make sure you do not break the rules this month because the results could cost you.

If you are in a 9 PERSONAL YEAR, May is a 5 PERSONAL MONTH for you: You have been applying the principles of Feng Shui to your life this year, Time to clear the clutter. You have been examining your life and making decisions about what needs to be changed because you find that “status quo” is not tolerable anymore. Sometimes this can be an emotional time and a time that leaves us unclear in the direction we are taking. Quite literally, in order to make room for new things in our life, we have to sometimes get rid of old junk. “Happy Housecleaning.” Now this month you may feel a greater desire to make these changes. Your mind is more willing to let go and you are also more open to change. It is best not to begin anything new in this year but certainly you can end things or complete things. I would suggest that you take advantage of the social side of the 5 energy and perhaps travel a bit or spend time with your friends and loosen up and just breathe and try to enjoy yourself. You may find good conversation is just what the Dr. ordered. I assure you that next year you will have many new opportunities but for right now, you are in the preparation stages for a whole new experience.

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About the Author

Alison Baughman first discovered numerology as a child, and began her professional career as a numerologist in 1999. In addition her numerology career, Alison is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, author, lecturer, and radio personality. She is the author of the highly rated book on numerology, “Speaking to Your Soul Through Numerology,” available at
*For more information, please visit, or email Alison at

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