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Overcoming Negative Feelings Towards Deceased Loved Ones

Overcoming Negative Feelings Towards Deceased Loved Ones


How to Overcome Negative Feelings Toward Our Deceased Loved Ones!

by Carmen Vasquez

Most of us have had sometimes hard times while being “apparently” separated from our loved ones who crossed the line and returned to the light; the good thing behind it is that our relationships with our loved ones don’t end with their death; These relationships just change their form.

In these situations people usually deal with feelings and emotions like sadness, loneliness, and confusion; so it’s always important and necessary to establish a healthy “post -death” relationship for the better of the souls on both sides of the line.

Sometimes people who remain alive feel some kind of anger with the loved ones who passed away maybe because they feel that person abandoned them or maybe because the relationship between both of them was not healthy here on earth and the surviving person needs to heal and release some passages from their story in order to unblock and move forward.

Usually, at the beginning of a feeling recognition therapy, those emotions are difficult to work with since most survivors don’t feel to hold resentment towards someone who has gone, but let me tell you that is completely normal to feel those feelings.

So the first step to move forward toward the healing from any loss of this kind is to recognized and admit those feelings; after all, our deceased loved ones are completely aware of how we feel and about all we think about them. From the other side they can see everything and the good news here is they do not judge once they leave their bodies because ego and judgement are just a human feelings that are left behind once we die.

Knowing that we cannot hide anything from them, we can recognize that we are just cheating ourselves but at the expense of our own inner peace and when we do that we are just blocking our own happiness and also the spiritual path of the love ones who had already gone.

A good method to release any negative feeling or emotion and also forgive the deceased  ones is to write a letter to them, a very honest letter without judgement, censorship or anything that can hide your feelings; remember they already know what you are facing and feeling.

Your relationship with your loved ones and also with yourself can be completely healed opening paths and removing blockages from your life in a wonderful way after you forgive and create a healthy and new relationship between you and the deceased ones. Death doesn’t mean an end to the love you have shared since love never dies, love is eternal and later you will  recognize each other again in a new encounter.

See Also

Recognizing feelings and emotions is one of the most healthy therapies to heal any issue in our lives.

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About the Author

Carmen Vasquez is the author of many inspirational, motivational and Angelical books that always give positive messages to people. Carmen is a writer for OM Times Magazine and founder, along with her husband, of Journey Angels and A Way Of Life; both companies’ main purpose is to inspire people to believe and create from the positive the life they actually were born to live.

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