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Tantra: A Different Breed

Tantra: A Different Breed


According to Vedas, the cycle of life since the inception of this Universe is purely distributed among the three basic natures of human beings, namely: “sattva, “rajas” and “tamas.” Tantrics may give out mystifying, skeptical sensations to the world around but, in fact, they very much believe in the Vedas and so they seek out our three basic gunas (interdependent modes) in “Dakshina, Vama and Madhyama.”

Here, Dakshina represents the “Sattva” traits; therefore, bringing out the best in a person; Madhyama, as the name suggests, is in the middle and holds the mixed bag having the good and bad of both Dakshina and Vama; Vama is an equivalent of tamas guna, and hence, is considered lowly in character.

A spiritual guru can be someone who seeks contentment in solace and disparages the worldly needs. Whereas, a Tantric is someone who is to be accepted the way he is; he can drink liquor, gobble down meat without any qualms, and can have lust for the shimmery, shiny world outside, without question. Yet, he is often approached by people lacking proper education, and can be given a lot of importance by the rural population.

The educated and urban dwellers do not believe in his offerings and in his peculiar ways to please the lord. For Tantrics, this universe is like a thread; they let everything and everybody get stringed up with the original thread, and the thread keeps on growing and building. Thus, providing themselves with all the space and charm required to emanate tantras and make them do wonders.

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About the Author

Mike Yap is a student and teacher of Yoga and Meditation. He is very passionate about information technology, and has recently released an iPhone alarm clock app called ZenAwake. Even though Mike enjoys thinking of exciting new projects to share with the world, his real passion is studying the various philosophies and religions of the world; specifically, Tantra and Kashmir Shaivism.

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