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Astrology Forecast for July 2014

Astrology Forecast for July 2014

Developments are falling into place — or breaking open, up or apart — that have been brewing for months-to-years and further agendas that you have been pondering, evaluating and working on for that long as well. Marital and family themes figure prominently. (An aphorism from my teenage pediatrician’s office comes to mind: “Choose only a date who would make a good mate.”) The later we get into the month, the more insistent awareness becomes of nourishment, nurturing, caretaking and respecting/protecting the home.

This stretch promises to be intense. Two cycles are simultaneously winding up, both affecting relationships, desires and values. Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers, are bringing full circle situations and issues involving matters of the heart that slipped in during her eclipse in June 2012. Warrior god Mars is also making his final pass through the war zone of the cardinal cross and the eclipses of April. As he clears their sensitive degrees, he heads directly into the asteroids Ceres (goddess of grain) and Vesta (keeper of hearthfires), as well as the north node of destiny and our collective experience. The feminine is looming large. Whether that’s due to respect or disregard will vary by situation. (She’s not going away from socio-political discourse, no matter how much men or the status quo attempt to restrict or appear to assault her.)

The middle of the month brings a brightening and lightening of the mood. Proper summer will arrive at last when Jupiter, planet of expansion and beneficence, begins a one-year stay in vibrant Leo on the 16th. It’s his first visit to the sign in 12 years. Think back in successive 12-year increments for previews of the themes likely to come back around for you. His first weeks in Leo this time around will be gradually fueling the fieriness, impulsiveness and daring of change agent Uranus in Aries. (Watch this space for fun and fireworks come October.)

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