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New Indigenous Tribes

New Indigenous Tribes


by Isabella Stoloff

Thoughts of Indigenous tribes takes us back and connects us to another time, a time when we trusted our intuition and knew how to be stewards of the earth. It was a time when we felt a deeper connection to everything. In today’s world we are losing our connection to not only each other but to our beautiful mother a well.

With so much information coming at us all the time we are beginning to lose touch with what is really important. Ask yourself what is important to you. Are you more caught up in what other’s think of you, or whether you have the newest cool thing out on the market? Now there is nothing wrong with wanting material things, but if you can find balance so you can grow spiritually then take a look into Indigenous cultures and see what they have to offer. There is a certain vibe when we hear the word Indigenous. It conjures up images of a time long ago, ancient civilizations, and ways of connecting to nature that we have long. It also makes us think of jungles and plant medicine, unfamiliar territory to most. But this territory is where people are finding their way back to themselves.

Those who are noticing something is missing from their lives are seeking ways to get in touch with their soul’s purpose. The people who want to connect and come back to the Mother are what I call “New Indigenous Tribes.” These tribes are yearning for something more. We see them popping up everywhere. All religions, all walks of life, are joining together to make a difference in the world. Permaculture, sustainable living, communes and more are sprouting up all over the country. Occupy “whatever” is the fad of the day and people are joining in force saying enough is enough. Because of this, things are changing for the better. I believe this is the time to take control of your destiny. If things are not working, fix them. We can no longer stand by and allow society to dictate what works. Clear your life of what no longer serves you and clear the clutter of your mind. I say; “If it makes you feel bad or is negative, it is a lie. If it makes you feel good and is positive, it is the truth”. As the old saying goes, “The truth will set you free” and freedom is what we are all seeking.

In 1991 when I began my path of spiritual growth I remember making the decision to be honest in all my affairs. That meant absolutely no lying. It was not easy at first, and even harder for those around me. But I told my truth and to this day I do not lie. I feel this is one way for others to dial in to their intuitive nature. Speak your truth no matter what.

Remember you are connected to every living thing. Breathe in the truth of this statement. Once we tune into the planet and listen, all our questions will be answered. It is a waste of time to sit around and beat yourself up over things. To tell yourself you are fat, or not good enough, or stupid. Allow these thoughts to melt away and fill your mind with forgiveness and love. Love is the answer, especially at this time. We are in the middle of a great change and I feel this change can bring us back to our Indigenous state of being.

So, what if we took the word Indigenous and created our own culture, our own tribe, our own world? What if the word Indigenous described us as, the people of the new world, the world we have all been talking about, one filled with trust, peace, love and light, compassion and solidarity. How would that make you feel? Imagine it now. Let that image spread all over your being.

See Also
authenticity OMTimes

We are all feeler healers and once you clear your mind, learn how to tell the truth and trust, you will have the tools needed to create beautiful lives. The more dialed in you are the better your life will be. When you are open to the divine and fully in touch with your heart magical things can, and do happen.

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About the Author

Shaman Isabella Stoloff founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, speaks all over the world and is a visionary. Sessions with Isabella leave you feeling lighter, connected and more in tune with your soul. Shaman Isabella provides one-on-one sessions, teaches private Shaman classes and guides sacred retreats. “Transforming my life has been a passion of mine for over 20 years. I look forward to assist you connect with your soul at the deepest level”

View Comment (1)
  • I share your passion to return to the days of indigenous thought and action with connection to the earth and one another. However, I find it a bit disingenuous when most so called “new thought” and “new age” teachers and leaders limit access to only those that can afford there $1500 weekend retreats. I long to find an true teacher and organization that shares the building of community with all people of all income levels. These money making new age teachers are the ones most responsible for the “true” indigenous people no longer being willing to share their ways of connecting to the earth and each other!

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