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Shep Gordon: The Supermensch Interview

Shep Gordon: The Supermensch Interview

OMTIMES: It’s more dharma than karma,’ I guess.

Shep Gordon: Yeah. Yeah. I think that’s–yeah. Yeah. Way beyond me to understand it, but I just feel lucky to be part of it.

OMTIMES: Well, I think it’s a blessing for both you and the children to have each other.

Shep Gordon: –Yeah. Absolutely. And I think we all have that same feeling. We all got lucky.

OMTIMES: What are your plans for the future? What’s next for Shep Gordon?

Shep Gordon: –No real plans. Going to have a great meal tonight. Hopefully a nice bottle of wine. And hopefully wake up. I don’t really–I’m not a big planner. The next big–like, the next big thing is a baby luau.

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OMTIMES: Oh, that’s marvelous. My blessings to you Mr. Gordon, thank you so much for taking time to speak with us. It’s truly been an honor and a lot of fun.

Shep Gordon: Great. Well, thank you so much for taking the time. Aloha.


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