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Try Smiling

Try Smiling


by Allen Klein, MA, CSP

No matter who says what, you should accept it with a smile and do your own work.

– Mother Teresa, Albanian missionary

I know that smiling may sound simplistic but when things are getting you down sometimes a simple smile can lift you up. According to Dr. Dale Anderson, if you are stressed out “smiling can produce an immediate change of physical, mental, and emotional states.”

“Test this idea for yourself,” he says. “The next time you are feeling sad or mad, force yourself to smile. Do this no matter how silly it seems at the moment. Then carefully observe the resulting changes in your attitude. Notice any subtle feeling of relaxation or relief?”

And your smile doesn’t even have to be genuine. According to a study from Clark University, it doesn’t matter whether you are smiling for real or faking it. A phony smile is as good for you as a real one. Either can trigger happier memories within you – and your body doesn’t know the difference between a genuine one and a pretend one.

We’ve all heard commercial claims stating, “nine out of ten doctors recommend….” Well I’m not sure it is nine out of ten but a number of doctors recommend that you smile more often. One prescribes two smiles a day to his patients in pain. Another encourages people to practice smiling intentionally in order to tap into what she calls “happiness hormones.” And, a third, notes that even just viewing a smiling face on someone else gives the observer more life energy.

I experienced how a smiled changed my day shortly after I moved from hectic New York City to mellower San Francisco. When I got on the bus one morning in my new city, the driver greeted me with a great big smile and a hearty “Good morning!” Since this never happened to me when I lived in New York I was sure he was addressing the person behind me. But when I turned around to see who it might be, there was no one there. The smile and the greeting were just for me and it made my day.

See Also

So, if you can’t find much to laugh about, try smiling. It’s easy. It’s free. It’s a great way to connect to other people. And remember, a smile is a light on your face to let someone know that you are at home.

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About the Author

Allen Klein has brought smiles to the faces of thousands of people around the world through his books and his keynote presentations. This year, his first book, The Healing Power of Humor, is celebrating it’s 25th year since it was published in 1989. His most recent books, published by Viva Editions, are Always Look on the Bright Side: Celebrating Each Day to the Fullest, and, Having the Time of Your Life: Little Lesson to Live By. Klein can be reached at His website is

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