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Understanding Messiness and Hoarding

Understanding Messiness and Hoarding


Some people are extremely neat, while others tend to accumulate a bit of clutter. Some people live in filth and don’t seem to notice. Then there’s the hoarder, whose possessions pile up until their home is a fire and health hazard.

What goes on in the minds of very messy people? I think that they can be separated into are two types: those who are disorganized and those who have psychological disorders. The former group includes individuals who have problems with keeping things tidy.

They might have some spacial organization issues and just don’t know how to deal with all the papers and objects that make up their home life. They become overwhelmed by it all, and as they give up in despair, the piles begin to accumulate.

These people know that they have a problem but can’t figure out the solution on their own. What they need is a lot of support and some simple systems to fall back on. Organizational consultants are people who are skilled at finding the proper place to put everything and can help those who suffer from clutter and disorganization to have a tidier, less chaotic home life.

When even this doesn’t help, it’s because the person’s problems are more severe – perhaps they suffer from ADD – attention-deficit disorder – and simply can’t cope with trying to keep all their stuff organized. These individuals need a lot more support, perhaps even medication, in order to manage all their papers and possessions.

A more severe form of messiness pertains to those people who don’t clean. We’ve all seen them on the reality shows about dirty homes. These are the people who never change their bed sheets or the kitchen sponge; who rarely if ever empty the cat litter, dust, sweep, mop or even scrub a surface. Their kitchen and bathroom are petri dishes growing pestilence and plagues, and yet they persist in their ways.

Chronic non-cleaners are living in an unpleasant, smelly and unhealthy environment, but don’t seem overly upset by this, which is in itself, a sign of a serious problem. Many of these individuals have a mental disorder which allows them to create mess and then live in it without concern. They may be able to function adequately in other areas of their life, but their psychological problems are demonstrated by the literal dirty secret of their filthy home.

A milder form of this problem is those individuals who let their dishes pile up in their sink over a week, don’t do their laundry for a month, sweep their floors only occasionally and rarely if ever dust. They wouldn’t qualify for the TV shows but the level of mess and dirt in their homes is unacceptable to a normally neat and tidy person.

These folks suffer from low self-esteem, passivity and inertia. They are overwhelmed by life and feel helpless about having any control over things. Basically, they have given up on themselves and their messiness is just one sign of the problem. They could benefit from supportive psychotherapy.

Finally, there are the hoarders. These people have an extreme disorder. Their overwhelming anxiety and internal chaos is expressed through the need to accumulate as much stuff as possible and the inability to throw anything away, be it old clothes, wrapping papers, newspapers or even their garbage.

When I was in pre-med, I ended up sharing a house with a 27 year-old woman, let’s call her Jenny, who had a form of this problem. She was, on the surface, an attractive, well-groomed young woman from a nice, middle-class family. It was only in living with her that her problem was revealed. The first clue was that she locked her bedroom door and hid the key.

The one time I did get to see her room, I was shocked. There was so much stuff heaped up on the floor that I had to wade through it all to get to the other side of the room. She’d invited me in only because she was in a panic: she’d lost something in the two-foot-high piles and needed my help in finding it.

Every week Jenny would go grocery shopping, and would come home with enough food to feed a family of six. She was one small person, and yet she’d buy a dozen grapefruit, ten pounds of potatoes, two quarts of milk and three loaves of bread for her own consumption. Each night she’d cook herself a big dinner, and then dutifully put the left-overs into a plastic container which she never looked at again.

I’d go through the fridge and pantry each week, throwing out squishy grapefruit, rancid left-overs (container and all), and potatoes with long green sprouts, curdled milk and moldy bread. I wondered at the time if she just missed her family, but I realized later on that she just had to accumulate things. This was further demonstrated by her compulsive shopping; the evidence of which lay piled on her bedroom floor in the form of bags, scarves, belts, sweaters, jewelry and assorted shopping bags.

See Also

Jenny had filled the room across the hall with the overflow from her bedroom. One day I came home to find her sitting in the hallway, surrounded by bags and boxes and piles of stuff. She’d emptied out the room, hoping to sort through years’ worth of possessions and throw out as much as she could. She sat there, paralyzed, for several hours and eventually gave up and put it all back into the spare room.

At the time, I thought that she was just odd. She was kind of uptight and had some strange habits, like piling all the cutlery into the utensils drawer without sorting the various forks, etc. into each slot of the tray. I didn’t realize that her problem had a name. It’s actually a form of OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. There are many manifestations, and compulsive hoarding is a particularly challenging one.

Jenny began dating Harold, and chose to hide her problem from him. On the few occasions he came by to visit, they stayed in the living room. Over the course of their entire relationship, Harold never once got to see her bedroom. I wondered at the time what it must be like to be intimate with someone and keep such a big secret from them.

I moved out at the end of the year, and never saw Jenny again. We got along OK as room-mates but her problem made it impossible for us to be close. I thought about her from time to time, and once I was a psychiatry resident, realized how instructive it had be face-to-face with someone who was described in my textbooks. There’s nothing like seeing it first-hand to recognize how troubled these people are. And it turns out that hers was a mild case. More severe sufferers can’t contain the clutter, and their lives are taken over by the problem.

It’s clear that except for those who are organizationally impaired, individuals who live with extreme messiness or hoarding are actually exhibiting signs of a significant mental disorder. Unless these problems are recognized for what they are and are dealt with by skilled mental health professionals, the people who live in extremely disorganized, cluttered or dirty environments will stand no chance of making any meaningful changes toward cleanliness and order.

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About the Author

Marcia Sirota MD FRCP(C) is a board-certified psychiatrist, that does not ascribe to any one theoretical school. Rather, she has integrated her education and life experiences into a unique approach to the practice of psychotherapy. She considers herself a realist with a healthy measure of optimism. Sign up here for her free monthly wellness newsletter. Listen here to her latest podcast.

View Comments (11)
  • No it stems from pure laziness not ADD. The lack of interest to clean up period. stop trying to put a mis-medical lable on every.

  • You left out those of us who re injured or chronically ill & unable to clean, and have no help.

  • That’s exactly what I say, JJR! I read the whole article searching for a good reason I tolerate my own clutter while already knowing the bad reason, which I openly admit! I’m simply unmotivated & lazy about it, but I’m quick to lend a helping hand to clean up anyone else’s, and actually enjoy it! 🙂 *side note: my mess is a clean mess though because I won’t let underneath stuff get yucky and germy!

  • Unfortunately, like in my situation [which I have no way out of currently, we have exhausted every option until I make enough money to move us out] there are sometimes no excuses we can give to justify clutter and filth. My house is owned by a hoarder who is known for stealing, and hoards quite literally everything. The living room is literally almost unlivable considering the black mold on our FRONT DOOR, the hundreds of boxes of junk/old pissed on clothes/miscellaneous shit. The hall is literally soaked in shit and piss, like every room in the house, and it goes uncleaned by everyone but me and my fiancé. There are four cats and one puppy that are so soaked in fleas they’re slowly dying, and the smell is so bad most people won’t come over because they get a headache. The kitchen is always filthy because no one but me and one other person are able to do them [my fiancé is 6’8″ in a very small house made for shorter people and it genuinely hurts him to bend over that far, I’ve seen it for myself] and there are cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, spiders, possums, rats, and other bugs that constantly get into food and everything else no matter what you do to avoid it. There is no space at all for anyone to do hardly anything, and the husband of the owner of the house is always running off for gods-know-what reasons. They have a kid that lives here with them who is 16 that never does any chores despite what anyone tells him, and my fiancé and I’s food/clothes keep “disappearing” without a trace. We have no way to move out. We live on foodstamps for a genuine reason, and that reason is because my fiancé is going through disability for Marfan Syndrome as well as a weak heart. I am able to work, so I do. 8 hours a day for 9.00 an hour. There is so much stress and drama/lies/manipulation/talking behind people’s back at our house [including the three other people that live here talking badly about my fiancé and I around town] that my man and I simply just keep to ourselves. No matter what we do, we’re always on these people’s shitlist. This house is literally unfit to live in, yet my fiancé and I have no way out because we’re dirt poor. I just started this new job, so I have no way of affording rent right now. Every body in this house except my fiancé’s is able to clean just fine, and yet no one does and they all expect my fiancé to do everything. I’m tired of living in this place and the saddest part is that I can’t do anything. Even if I report it, we’ll only be homeless and the men’s shelter won’t take him for whatever dumb reasons. He literally has no place to go because neither his family or mine will help him, and I’m not going anywhere without him. I love him too much.

  • Wrong. Mental health issues are very complex. If you don’t understand, fine, then say that. Saying it doesn’t exist doesn’t make your statement true.

  • The health department needs to know about the black mold. If he is getting help for Marfan’s then his social workers at the disability office most likely have a list of approved housing for him. Call and ask them. I would also report the landlord for animal cruelty.

  • Since when did ADD/ADHD become Mental Illnesses? FYI: ADD/ADHD are Neurological Disorders not Psychological Illnesses. That being said, this article has no credibility what so ever in my opinion.

  • I wonder how many people hire maids and other help and simply don’t appear to be troubled by this condition when they would be if they were left to deal with it themselves. Why would a person not be able to have a normal life if they are simply overwhelmed by mail, save wrapping paper, and have stuff they like to use out so they see the stuff (lotions, vitamins, make-up)? Is it not possible that the don’t let their chains be yanked by the need to be organizing and scrubbing? Maybe they are reading, interacting, riding bikes, kayaking, writing, going to yoga and working? If they get a phone call inviting them to go for a hike they don’t say, “But, I need to scrub my front door today.” Just saying…

  • Turn that person in, if only to a no kill shelter so that the animals get help. Maybe that will be a wake-up call.

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