10 Keys to Understanding Our Dreams

A dream is a collection of symbols, each of which has its own precise meaning. Thanks to our dreams, we can visit regions of our unconscious and deeply understand that everything that exists in the outside world, also exists within us, and manifests in states of mind, soul and conscience. The symbolic language of dreams and signs is in fact mathematical: it is composed of equations of conscience that show us who we really are in the very depths of our being, and what we are to experience and experiment in order to evolve. This language helps us discover that the symbols composing our dreams and signs define structural dynamics that are fundamentally logical. Indeed, they represent parts and aspects of our being, forces, atmospheres and ambiances, programming, and patterns of behavior and functioning; they help us understand the situations, encounters and events that make up our life-plan.
Symbols are the basis of the universal parameters and equations Cosmic Intelligence uses to elaborate and activate our learning programs, our apprenticeships in life. Knowing symbolic language allows us to recognize the Source Code inscribed in us and in all that exists, thereby opening the door to understanding the multiple manifestations of Life, both in the outer world and within ourselves.
Our Dreams can guide us toward the discovery of our Divine nature. The metaphor of an Angel is one of the most beautiful symbols to represent a human-being who has developed his capacity to dream, his spiritual dimension that surpasses the limitations of his body and physical senses and allows him to travel in the multi-dimensions of conscience and the Universe. As human-beings, we experiment and experience life and action in matter and in the exchanges we have with everyone and everything around us, and other forms of life. Whether we are aware of it or not, the one and only aim, the true aim of human life and living, is to unfurl our angelic potential and to recognize and acknowledge our divine essence.
Our spirit takes on a physical body in order to experiment, and via our choices, via the positive and negative, to gradually discover the infinite potential we have within ourselves. Symbols mostly give perspective to this perpetual dynamic of research, development, and experimentation that is present in different forms and situations. In symbolic images, dreams show us the beginning of our life; they show us multiple, positive and/or negative scenarios of evolution and experimentation related to memories of our past, aspects of our present, and the probabilities of our future, of what we may become, or are in the process of preparing or materializing in our individual or collective life-program.
Through studying and working with dreams and signs, we learn to consciously accelerate our evolution by cleansing the distorted memories within us that prevent the manifestation of our spiritual potential. Simultaneously, we learn to anticipate our future and rectify our future selves. To better understand the multi-dimension of our dreams and signs, we need to know that we all live in a Living Computer, that we call God or Cosmic Intelligence (it doesn’t matter what we name we give to it) because it is impossible to imagine dreams, symbols, scenarios, situations, events that we have never seen or experienced. We live as individual computers permanently connected to the Great Whole, the immense Cosmic Computer, and thus we can understand the Law of synchronicity whereby there is no such thing as coincidence in life, that everything has a reason for existing, that everything has a deep, evolutive meaning.
To analyze and interpret dreams, signs, and symbols well, it is essential to know certain rules. Here are the most important ones:
1. A dream must always be analyzed chronologically. Like a story, there is a beginning, a middle and an end, that may be complete or incomplete. Whenever the conclusion is incomplete, it means that the behavioral dynamic(s) shown in the dream hasn’t been resolved, or that the dreamer is at the learning stage.
2. It is advisable to begin with a general analysis of the dream as a whole, seeking to understand its general, global theme, to which we can then add the details. Basing ourselves on the atmosphere, ambiance and events presented, we first define if the dream has a positive or negative tendency. We try to understand the main outline of the dream, and if we have difficulty interpreting or seeing the link between the symbols – which is perfectly normal at first – we are happy to reflect on the general, global theme. We can also work with a symbol or aspect that stands out in the dream; e.g. dynamics of aggression, hyperactivity, feelings of embarrassment, envy, or an intense need to please, etc. In this way, we manage to decode the global essence of the dream, which already allows us to do great reflective work on our behavior, and to improve our attitude by transforming the blockages and negative aspects that the dream unveiled and revealed to us. Likewise, when a dream highlights positive aspects, such aspects help us discover our latent, underlying, dormant potential.
3. It is also important to determine which of the four elements – fire, air, water, earth– are present in the dream or situationwe wish to analyze because they are the fundamental basisof symbolic language. In one dream, several elements mayinteract so as to present different parameters of our conscience.For example if we see ourselves in a dream in an airplane: an airplane is related to the air element and therefore to the mental world, the world of thoughts and the intellect.
4. The presence of symbols representing or related to the five kingdoms – mineral, vegetable, animal, human, divine – isalso an important element to consider. If we dream of animal for example, the dream shows us the instinctive forces and aspects symbolized by the animal in question. If the animal is positive and at the right place, it will show the positive aspect of the animal. If the animal was negative, the dream invites us to transform them so as to transcend them.
5. For a symbol to be truly positive, it must be in its right place, and in good condition (harmonious, non-aggressive, clean,beautiful, radiant, etc.); e.g. a snake in a bed, even if it isn’taggressive in the dream, will indicate a negative dynamicrelated to what the snake represents symbolically. We make thefollowing equation: bed (intimacy) + snake (sexuality) = theperson has too strong a need for sexual intimacy.
6. Whenever a distorted element is present in a dream, it often confirms that the general atmosphere of the dream has a negative tendency, depending on the degree of importanceof the symbol in the dream; e.g. There’s an aggressive cat in abeautiful, big sitting-room. This indicates that, on the level ofthe dreamer’s social intimacy (sitting-room symbol), he hasbeautiful potential for expansion in his social behavior, but atthe same time he is very independent, slightly haughty, a littleanti-social or distant, difficult to get close to (negative aspects ofthe cat symbol).
7. Everyday objects always have a universal symbolic meaning. Hence, from a positive point of view, a chair is a symbolof receptivity, calm, well-being, rest, and relaxation; froma negative point of view, it symbolizes a lack of receptivity,laziness, indolence, a lack of motivation to be active, to takeaction, to set things in motion, to advance, etc. The positive ornegative symbolic meaning of a chair will be defined in detailby its shape, color, place where it is found in the dream, etc., butall of these details will always be related to the original (general)meaning of the object.
8. There are no tourists in dreams. When we receive a dream where we see another person in his home or workplace, etc., even though we may be visiting his soul, we are never simply onlookers, tourists. There is always something for us to understand. It’s no coincidence that person is in our dream. Generally speaking, all of the elements that appear in a dream symbolically represent parts of the dreamer. We can receive dreams about our past, our present, and our future. Sometimes our dreams can give us very precise details regarding the material level, but also about our personality traits. First and foremost, it is important to always seek to understand the evolution lesson contained in the dream in terms of Qualities, Virtues, and Powers in their purest form.
9. The Law of resonance. We always attract what we are in terms of memories, both positively and negatively. Understanding this law is essential for us to be able to accept that in an assault or aggressive situation, we are as much the aggressor as the victim, we are both the person who aggresses and attacks others as we are the person (or people) attacked. Understanding the Law of resonance in dreams as well as in concrete reality is fundamental for the correct interpretation of dreams and signs.
10. A recurring dream is an alarm signal, if what we see is negative. If the dreamer doesn’t change his behavior and cleanse his memories related to the situation presented in a recurring dream, then, sooner or later, he will attract a similar situation in concrete reality. A recurring dream wants to call our attention to the fact that we have accumulated a great number of distorted memories in our inner computer, which often manifest in the form of nightmares, which will end up manifesting in a concrete event if we continue to ignore them.
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About the Article
The preceding is adapted from The Source Code: The Ultimate Spiritual Guide to Dream Interpretation by Kaya (UCM). This dream dictionary contains 892 pages of dreams, symbols and signs interpretations and represents a quantum leap in dream research. For more information please visit www.ucm.ca.
About the Author
KAYA is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, and International Lecturer on Angels and a worldwide specialist on the Interpretation of Dreams, Signs & Symbols in more than 43 countries. He is also the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Universe/City Mikaël (UCM) a multinational non-profit organization. His profound spiritual knowledge, expertise on dream, sign & symbol interpretation, his philanthropy, exemplary devotion, and humanitarian aid is a source of inspiration for millions of people on the planet. www.kayadreams.com

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