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10 Ways to Plug Out of Technology and Into Life

10 Ways to Plug Out of Technology and Into Life


by Hilde Pols

A blind man is standing on a busy street asking for help to find his way to a restaurant. There are so many people passing by, yet nobody stops to help. Have we become so heartless, that we ignore even such a simple request for help? No, the reason that nobody stops is not because the passing people do not care, but because they cannot hear him. Some are head down in their smart phones and mobile devices totally oblivious to the world around them, others have earphones washing out any other sound. That is to say, all but one lady, who set herself the task to go without earphones for a month and thus was able to help him.

This small change in her life made a big difference. A few days later she could help an elderly lady across the street, due to similar circumstances. At another time she finds herself in a conversation with someone with whom she would never have talked to had she worn her earphones as usual, depriving her from the chance of a delightful exchange of thought and the warmness of just interacting. In time the sounds around her have turned from annoying and distracting to beautiful. Whether this is birds chirping, children playing, the soft clicking of a bike passing by or indeed the invitation to help another or to partake in a little chat.

How many of us go through our day glued to our devices? How many times have you seen a group sitting together for lunch yet they are all in their own little world on the screen in their hand rather than chatting to the people they sat down with? How many parents are tempted to reply to a text message rather than finishing the chat they are having with their child first? How many accidents have happened, because someone was distracted by their technology?

Would you rather go around the word oblivious to what is happening around you? Is the virtual world of technology that much more important or interesting? Can it offer us the beauty of the smile when your conversation partner loved what you just said? Can it replace the soothing sounds of wind playing in the trees? Can it replace the security of being aware of what is happening around you, so you can react when necessary?

Before you challenge yourself to a month without technology, as the above lady did, why not take a few steps to plug out of technology and back into life, giving you the most of both worlds? Here are some suggestions how you can find your own unique balance between the virtual world of technology and the real world in this modern day and age.

1. Tech-free time

Set aside some time in your day where you leave your mobile unanswered and even out of reach (both physically and aurally). Depending on your daily rhythm of work, family life and chores, this could be just a small timeslot, or a larger chunk, once a day, or several times here and there. Good times for this are meal times or before leaving for or coming home from work.

2. Give your attention to real life conversations

Whether you are going to lunch with a friend or a family member is telling you about their day, give them your full attention. They are with you because they cherish your company and/or your input. Let them know that they chose well and that you value your time with them. Encourage them to give their message as you give them your ear and your time. After all, do you not cherish this in someone you want to talk to?

3. Take the chance to listen and interact

Whether circumstances develop into a chance meeting or you consciously seek out a conversation, embrace it to the full. Every person has experience and wisdom they can and want to pass on, but this can only happen if we allow the space for communication to develop. Be aware that communication can also be nonverbal, if we are conscious enough to observe and be in the moment.

4. Observe your surroundings

When you have that odd moment with nothing to do, rather than grabbing a mobile device, observe what is going on around you. Call it people watching or a study of situations, embrace the chance laid out before you to learn about the flow of life, characters and situations. As you watch some dynamic unfold in front of you, ask yourself how you would act in such a circumstance, yet without judging. Maybe you would do something differently, maybe you can learn from how an individual chose to act. In so doing you also learn about the development of the energetic flow in situations, which can come in useful when you find yourself in the middle of something similar at a later point.

5. Plug into your natural surroundings

When you find yourself in nature, be this a little park or wide rolling landscapes, find some time to sit, interact with and absorb the surroundings energies. Nature is a wonderful place to recharge your batteries. Take in its beauty with all your senses. If time permits meditate or consciously breathe the energies mother earth provides with all your sense: through your nose, mouth, eyes, ears and skin.

6. Close your eyes and be

Your eyes are sore? Is a headache announcing its arrival? Why not move away from that device and relax your eyes. Todays technology is very visual oriented and our eyes are working overtime whilst hungering for some simple sunlight and relaxation instead of glaring screens and constantly focussing on text and images. How would you feel if your employer made you work overtime with no extra charge or care? The eyes might not want money but they along with the nerves, muscles and tissues can benefit greatly from an energetic recharge that comes through relaxation and natural light.

7. Kick the habit of boredom

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We tend to be most tempted by our devices when we are bored or have nothing to do. Yet then when we feel crushed by a long to-do list we wish we had some free time. Set up a second list with choices of little things for your spare time. You could call this your “to-be” list, offering yourself activities to embrace life and just be in the now. We do enough of the “doing” gig, but we must not forget that we are human “beings”.

8. Stop running away from life

Do you find yourself grabbing your device as a means to escape from something happening around you? Stop a moment and ask yourself what is about the situation that makes you want to run away into your virtual world. What do you gain and lose by either sticking with real life or entering the virtual space? Only if we face our surroundings can we both truly observe what is happening and based on this make informed choices to make a change and also act on these. Recognize that any change starts only with the person you can influence, and that is you. Live your truth in your life rather than talking about it in the virtual world and you might be amazed what kind of rippling effect ensues.

9. Recharge

Have you ever stopped to think about how we have to constantly recharge our devices? We become impatient if the battery dies, yet tend to overlook the fact that we too need recharging. The next time you check your battery status, check both batteries – the one of the device and your own. Are you depleting your own battery as quickly as the one on the device? Whilst you plug your device into a socket, where do you plug yourself, body, mind and soul, in to recharge? The above provides some suggestions, but explore beyond them to find out what works best for you.

10. Prioritize

Remember technology gives you the means to read messages, view content, answer and interact at a later point in time. Life, however, does not have a pause or rewind button. You can view your favorite virtual content dozens of times over, but there is only one chance to create a memory, experience, friendships and thus life.

Most importantly live your life and be the unique human you are. If you are truly in touch with yourself you will find the right rhythm in our modern way of life. Can you truly be you and express yourself fully in the virtual realms of your devices?

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About the Author

Hilde Pols combines her music training with her energy work: As a flute and ensemble teacher she developed many techniques to encourage creativity and a sense of the own body, mind and soul. As a Certified Meditation Instructor, Healer and Dorn/Breuss Therapist she supports individuals to take life into their own hands. Providing healing and other modalities at in Germany, she has also taught in Denmark and the US.

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