KAYA, Angelic Messenger: Interview
JM: What is your goal in what you call your “Angelic Mission” on Earth?
KAYA: It is to bring the knowledge of symbolic language via Angels, Dreams & Signs to future generations. That’s all that matters to me and I have created a foundation for that called UCM (Universe/City Mikaël).
JM: Is there any important message you want to impart to OmTimes readers that we have not covered? How can people study your teachings?
KAYA: People can join my monthly International Webinar on our website, or if they wish to help organize a Lecture and Workshop in their region, we will be happy to come. We travel the world from America to Asia for that because Angelic Consciousness has to be made known. It is so important for the future of the planet. Because the more and more available technology becomes, the more we will need to receive Knowledge of the Angels otherwise, without a universal consciousness, we will limit this extraordinary potential that we all have. We also have many other key books that are great tools to discover the work we can do with Angels like The Book of Angels-The Hidden Secrets, How to Read Signs-The Origin of Angels, Dreams & Signs by Kaya and Christiane Muller, and Kasara’s book, The Spiritual Diary of a Nine-Year- Old Child that is an essential book for parents and teachers to have, and we can discover her CD Collection Angelica Mantra Vol. 1-2-3-4 More info on Kaya and Christiane Muller and their daughter Kasara, you can visit UCM Publishing, non-profit organization at: www.72angels .com or www.ucm.ca
About the Interviewer
Jill V. Mangino is rainbow chasing, freelance writer. As an animal lover and tree hugging bohemian publicist /shaman, She runs her boutique PR agency from her living room in rural New Jersey surround by her 6 (4 legged children) and the love of her life Ray.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality