Mars In Scorpio: The Lazarus Effect
by Salvador Russo
Note: The Mars in Scorpio transit begins on July 26th and ends on September 14th when Mars enters Sagittarius.
It is written that vengeance belongs to God. The truth and power of this ancient scripture will be brought to life before the world on July 26th, the day when Mars enters Scorpio in Heaven. Esoterically the planet Mars is “Heaven’s Sword.” Power and conquest are expressed and conferred through this transit although this energy has been perverted throughout history to instigate wars, death, and destruction. Have confidence that long awaited revelations and transformations are upon us!
I predict the following to occur with Mars in Scorpio: spiritual rebirths and initiations, life changing supernatural endowments, momentous transfers of power, shock exposures of Satanism, the confrontation and conquest of crime, disease, and pain, the rise, entrance, and benefaction of powerful men, a growing social awareness of ongoing psychological and chemical warfare, the resurrection of broken, seemingly hopeless lives, the performance of sacred and secret rituals, increases in death and mortality, open chaos amongst nefarious societies, and a tidal wave of global atonement.
This transit begins in the wake of Jupiter’s recent entry into Leo, an event which I believe fulfills a certain Biblical prophecy, that written in the Book of Matthew, as follows: “Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in Heaven, and then all the tribes of the Earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory.” Because much of the Bible was written in astrological allegory, and because Christ walked the Earth as a Leo, and because Jupiter is the legendary “planet of kings”, my heart confirms that the appearance of Jupiter in Leo is a cosmic sign of the mysterious Second Coming of Christ. If I am wrong, may God forgive me.
Notwithstanding we find ourselves amidst global tribulation. There are wars and rumors of wars. We see terrorism and conspiracy openly and brazenly. But what we will soon see is something that dark forces have feared for centuries: their apocalyptic unmasking before the world. In truth this has already begun but the process will begin to a accelerate dramatically because of Jupiter in Leo and the incoming Mars in Scorpio transit. The works of evil will be laid bare and the world will soon be transformed by it. Fear nothing and welcome the revelation to come knowing that it leads to Babylon’s utter destruction.
The Mars in Scorpio energy will afford us opportunities to resurrect certain parts of our lives, parts which have suffered the most because of the onslaught and oppression that has come beneath Saturn’s transit of Scorpio. Be prepared to confront the darkest parts of your lives with new strength, resources, insight, and momentum as fortunes and opportunities change dramatically in the days and weeks ahead. The essence of the transit is this: apply new forms of power to transform your lives in the greatest and fastest ways possible.
May I advise the following that you make the most of Mars in Scorpio? Engage men of power and influence toward your ends, be ready, willing, and able to exchange and transform at all levels toward higher standards of living, reveal criminality at every chance, barter wisely, detoxify and abstain from veiled and obvious poisons, seek and investigate the sacred, mysterious, and corrupt, attempt to master untamed parts of your psyche, allocate new resources toward pain and disease elimination, purge dangerous addictions or fetishes, find something to consecrate, arm yourself with sacred objects, confess, and renew your devotion to God.
Do not be intimidated by the gravity of these words or the condition of our world. Instead, open your hearts and minds to God who loves, forgives, and transforms all who seek Him.
Keep to your prayers and to His promises while knowing that new stars are set above the whole world. God is in total control, He is “hands on”, and He has a perfect way for us all. If evil is in your midst know that power soon comes to your aide. The war is raging and Heavens’s Sword now comes for every devil on Earth. They are here, don’t be fooled, but so is He and His angels with Him.
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