Neil Blumenthal – The Art of Social Entrepreneurship

One World with Deepak Chopra – Neil Blumenthal

The Art of Social Entrepreneurship: Neil Blumenthal and Warby Parker
Native New Yorker, Neil Blumenthal was taught to value community at a young age while attending a Quaker school in Manhattan. Combine that with his background in international relations and conflict resolution and it’s not hard to see why Neil developed a global awareness that has really lead to his success as an entrepreneur and a philanthropist.
After his schooling, Neil Blumenthal realized that policy making was not where his passion lay. “I was somebody that really wanted to get their hands dirty,” He explains to Deepak Chopra in their One World interview. “And sort of effect, impact and have direct interactions with beneficiaries.” That’s when Neil found VisionSpring; an organization that teaches women in the developing world how to administer an eye exam and then gives them the tools to distribute glasses to those who need them. It’s a model that relies less exclusively on charity and works more to create an economic structure for long term success in developing countries.
With his time at VisionSpring in mind, Neil and his friends created the eyewear company Warby Parker. The simple theory behind the Warby Parker business model is that consumers have a vested interest not only in filling their own needs, in this case with a pair of glasses, but they are also interested in giving back. Each time a customer buys a pair of glasses from Warby Parker, they are also making it possible for a pair to be distributed to a person in need through Warbly Parker’s support of VisionSpring.

DEEPAK CHOPRA MD, FACP, is the author of more than 80 books translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. Chopra is the co-author with Rudolph Tanzi of the New York Times bestseller, Super Brain. He serves as an Adjunct Professor at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School, Columbia University, Assistant Clinical Professor, in the Family and Preventive Medicine Department at the University of California, San Diego, Health Sciences, and Senior Scientist with The Gallup Organization.