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The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness


Most people come to my events to hear from a loved one in Spirit for closure, healing, to say hello, or to say the goodbye that was never said. But many times when I connect to their loved ones on the Other-Side, there are frequently messages asking for forgiveness. They come through loud and clear with messages of love as well as asking for forgiveness to right a wrong they did while they were here on earth. Whether it’s the abusive father who put his son through so much anguish, the alcoholic mother who locked herself and her feelings away from her daughter, or the non-emotional and distant spouse who wished he’d expressed his love more openly to his wife and children, the variations on this emotional rollercoaster theme are endless.

I’m a great believer in living in the now, and not leaving things unsaid, to only have regrets later. So, usually when the link is finally severed and spirit steps back, I like to end the event by asking the audience, “Is there someone here, living, right now in your life that you need to reach out to, connect with and forgive?” Don’t leave things unsaid … if there’s forgiveness to either offer or receive, then start the process today and make the effort to reconnect with the people that are here in the physical world!

This theme of asking for forgiveness happens quite often during my readings. It’s at that time that I hear stories about how they’ve not uttered a single word to a sibling, parent, or friend for many months or in some cases, even years! It’s often because of something that happened when a person in all their lives passed on. It could be the jewelry the sister received, the money that should have gone to someone else, the house that was sold without permission, and sometimes what happens is that so much time has passed since “the incident,” that they don’t even remember why they’re not speaking.

For many, especially when the hurt is deep, it’s impossible to imagine forgiving someone who has caused you such pain. But when you make the conscious decision to start the forgiveness process – you’re actually marking the beginning of the healing process.

When we forgive, we’re able to get back to loving ourselves and stop feeling like a victim. This doesn’t mean that you’re releasing the person from the responsibility of their past actions, but instead, it means that you’re releasing the anguish that your soul is carrying around with it. Whether they deserve to be forgiven or not, just remember that you’re doing it primarily for yourself.

I know all too well that it can be hard to take the first step, but perhaps sending a card or agreeing to meet for coffee can be a baby step toward opening the lines of communication. If your gesture of forgiveness is ignored or met with hostility, then give yourself permission to let go of the pain and the associated negativity. Life is too short, and it would be sad if one day you said, “Maybe I should have, could have or would have,” or even more poignant, “If only I had …”

John’s Lesson

Find a safe, quiet, and comfortable spot and try this short meditation. Begin by taking several slow, deep breaths. You’ll feel yourself becoming calm, centered and grounded.

Visualize the person who you want to forgive walking up to you, whether they’re here in this world or the next. Really see them, and try letting go of your feelings of anger, resentment or pain that you might feel towards them. Yes, let go!

Take a few more slow deep breaths. Now I want you to imagine you’re surrounded by a beautiful shade of green light. This green light emanates from your heart center – a place of healing. Let this green light bathe you in healing energy and comfort as it washes all over you and the person you are trying to forgive.

Focus on the properties of the green light, and take a few more deep breaths. Feel the light heal the heartache and hurt. Let it all go.

At this time, if you wish, say this healing affirmation:

See Also

“I am sharing the healing power of forgiveness and open my heart to receive your love.”

Remember, you and you alone have the ultimate power to forgive, and although forgiveness is often expressed from the Other-Side, expressing it here and reaching out now is a gift that you can give to yourself as well as to others.

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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