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Tanya Brown Finds Forgiveness

Tanya Brown Finds Forgiveness


Tanya Brown, Nicole Simpson’s Sister, Finds Forgiveness

CONNECT with Host Marlise Karlin

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Finding Forgiveness

Tanya-Brown_OMTimesTanya Brown, sister of Nicole Simpson, author of Finding Peace Amid the Chaos speaks out on what it takes to forgive someone, even a murderer, and how masking the pain led to depression and darkness in her own life.

Interview with Tanya Brown

Marlise:  Tanya, you grew up in the midst of one of the biggest media storms that ever happened –evidently over 95 million viewers watched OJ Simpson driving down the LA freeway.

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Not having space to grieve, and suddenly realizing that someone you considered family could have killed your sister – must have been difficult to come to terms with. Being so young, you might not have been able to see beyond the outer shell that people often display.  Was this part of the shock that led to your mental breakdown?

Tanya Brown:  Absolutely. We didn’t actually think that somebody who claims to love you, who gave you two beautiful children, who made a home for you, would actually commit a crime of a double homicide. if I was educated on domestic violence the way I am today I would have intervened, but we had no idea what domestic violence was at that time.

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