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Tanya Brown Finds Forgiveness

Tanya Brown Finds Forgiveness


Marlise:  So, Tanya, there were mood swings, there were eating binges, but like a lot of people – you kind of pushed your way through it, the signals were there but you couldn’t see them.  What would you say to help people if this happens to them?

Tanya Brown:  I was born with World War II parents.  Pick yourself up by the bootstraps, paint the house, get a job at a local coffee shop, whatever it is just carry on and that’s how I was raised and its not that isn’t right, its not that it is wrong, but its definitely not healthy.     Pay attention to your body, pay attention to what you are feeling, our grief manifests somewhere in your body.  It’s got to come out somewhere.

Looking back in hindsight there were many moments where I could have easily identified, okay Simpson is not right. I need to go talk to somebody. I need to do something.  So pay attention to what’s going on in your body because you know when you don’t face the stuff, that’s stress manifests itself inside of you.

It shows up eventually in your life and mine popped up 10 years after Nicole was killed, after the double homicide, I found myself in a psych ward and it was simply because I never faced Nicole’s murder.

See Also

Marlise:  You talk about sensitivity to negative energy and how you can feel it, like when you walked in OJ’s house to pick up Nicole’s kids – so do you think it was your understanding of just not wanting to be surrounded by this level of negativity that helped you find forgiveness?

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