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Voices in Your Head

Voices in Your Head


Wow! Now this is ‘spooky’ or in layman’s language, ‘state of craziness’; all psychics, mediums, channelers would vouch that without these voices they wouldn’t be doing what they are meant or rather sent to do on planet earth.

Ok, before we proceed and delve further into this topic let’s just get this straight, that this is definitely not ‘craziness’ or ‘crankiness’ so to speak; it’s a spiritual phenomenon and to be afforded ‘utmost’ respect!

These voices or stirrings are basically your guides ‘streaming’ or messaging to you what is in ‘your’ or some other connected entity’s highest and best interest. We must understand that on the ‘other side’ we all have spirit guides, spirit helpers, angels, ascended masters, ancestral souls, deities, passed souls assisting our spiritual evolution here on this planet. We all have guides just that we need to ‘believe’ to ‘receive’ their valuable guidance. If we are more attuned to listening to our own little voice, we meditate regularly, connect to nature more often, give some space and time to ourselves; our guides will be happy to deliver any guidance which we may need. In the internet age or the ‘wired age’ it’s a difficult proposition for some to connect to themselves and hear their own ‘guru’. In fact the funny part is we are more happy or rather put it this way, have more time to listen to others than listen to our own GPS!

From a lightworker’s perspective: we love to go within; that’s the simple reason a lightworker would rather be a recluse and listen to himself/herself than the external world, per se. There is a flip side to this too; since we are more psychically tuned to hear our guides, sometimes many guides flock around you at the same time, which gets a bit overwhelming or too much to handle. It’s like you are continuously ‘bombarded’ with ‘non-stop’ counseling, advice, and sometimes even ‘cosmic orders, which you have no other option but to ‘abide with’. To quote a rather hilarious ‘cosmic order’ which I once received and eventually it changed the course of my life.

To illustrate this, I need to give a few personal experiences. I once decided to go for a vacation to Singapore, flight tickets booked, plans made; to my utter shock, overnight I was ordered to change my plans, cancel my tickets and go for a ‘Kundalini awakening and self-realization shivir’ in Goa, India. I was like, what the hell or rather heaven (let’s not offend anyone), at such a short notice–how will I get a flight ticket and registration for the shivir. Then I hear this voice, ‘all is planned out for you’, apply! That was the answer I received. I did get the admission and attended the shivir; safe, sound and returned home like a very proud human entity who has been blessed to no ends. Just imagine here I was dreaming of visiting the very famous ‘universal studio’ at Singapore and I was then ordered to go and attend full day long, five days straight shivir. Omg! But as the saying goes… ‘All is well that ends well! And yes, I did enjoy the shivir and felt deeply blessed by my Guru. I thanked him from the bottom my heart to have called me. As always the shivir was phenomenal! After this shivir he announced another shivir in Bhopal, India. I was definitely not going for the Bhopal shivir, since I had already booked my tickets for Mumbai. Just two days prior to my going to Mumbai again I was ‘called’ rather ‘ordered’ to come to Bhopal instead; without any second thoughts I canceled my bookings for Mumbai and booked tickets for Bhopal. And all this happening at ‘head level’, sounds crazy but true. I must say the Bhopal shivir with my esteemed Guru was outstanding.

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ascended masters spiritual work OMTimes

So this is what happens when we are psychically tuned.

The only thing one needs to take care of is, one has to ‘decipher’ which voice is the ‘guide’s voice and which one is an imagination or a lower entity trying to deviate you. That’s very important! Sometimes what happens is our own vibrational level is low. This could be because we are unwell, or not meditating enough, or not grounded. That’s when lower entities can ‘voice’ through your head and distract you from your path. That might get a little insane for you; so the best thing is keep remaining grounded and meditate regularly. It will help you to connect to the ‘higher spirits’, your ‘guides’.

About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach. She is now the member Elite Psyche Team – Best American Psychics, Member of Certified Psychic Society USA, Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012. Winner SuperAchievers Award 2013 for ‘Spiritual Counseling’ in India. She is a published author, with two books of spiritual/inspirational genre, “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1” and “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II”. Both these books are available on and You can reach her at:

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