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Wellness Tips for Your Sun Sign

Wellness Tips for Your Sun Sign


By Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

Visit your Sun Sign below for wellness tips specifically for your Sun Sign

Sun Sign ARIES: In astrology, Aries rules the head and the face. What’s going on in an Aries’ head— especially feelings of stress caused by fear of humiliation, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities—strongly influences what is going on in the body and makes Aries prone to headaches, toothaches, and unexplained neuralgia around the jaws. Arians can “burn out” from too much work. They’re so busy, they haven’t got time to be sick, but when they do fall ill, they make a speedy recovery. Aries need to be careful of doing things too quickly, as they may injure themselves with knives or scissors. They should take care not to strain their eyes. Little “time outs” are good for an Aries: hot baths, five minutes in a hammock, a stroll in the fresh air—these will work wonders.

Sun Sign TAURUS: Taureans usually enjoy good health throughout their lives, but when they do experience issues, the problems tend to occur in the sinus area, throat, and lungs. These parts of the body can be subject to repeated infections. Neck and voice problems are also common complaints, as the body part that Taurus rules is the neck. Taureans tend to like sweet desserts, which, eaten frequently or in abundance, can eventually lead to weight  issues. Fatty, high-calorie cuisine should be avoided. Taureans should also stay  away from foods that are high in sodium or caffeine, as these can have a troublesome effect on their systems. To maintain their health, Bulls should exercise regularly, and, in particular, should take long walks. Taurus loves the outdoors, so meditative time spent in gardens and fresh air would be a healthy habit to develop.

Sun Sign GEMINI: Geminis need to be careful of problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and the flu. This is because they tend to be nervous types who keep going even when overtired. They can become very run down, and their resistance is affected if they don’t get enough rest. But they hate to be confined to bed! They sometimes have a problem taking good care of themselves because they are constantly on the go and often forget to adhere to regular eating and sleeping schedules. They must therefore try to establish a healthy routine and balance, which will reduce their erratic energy levels. Gemini “rules” the arms, hands, and shoulders; care must be taken when lifting weights or rushing to accomplish a chore.

Sun Sign CANCER: Cancerians are emotional types who may suffer from stomach problems when under stress. They tend to bottle things up and are prone to ulcers. As they do not like to burden other people with their problems, they tend to suffer in silence. Typical Cancerians need material security, plenty of affection, and a sense that they are needed. As long as these needs are met, they can handle a lot. Wholesome food and regular meals are important to Cancer. Overindulgence in sweets can result in extra weight gained in later years. Since theirs is a water sign, Cancerians should try taking long, warm baths to relax.

Sun Sign LEO: Typical Leos are happy, healthy, energetic people as long as they are loved. If for some reason they are not getting the attention or affection that they crave, Leos will complain. They can sometimes overindulge in rich food and wine, but too much of this is bad. Care should be taken when it comes to putting on weight. Leos should take care of their hearts and backs, as these are the parts of the body that Leo rules.

Whatever physical weaknesses he has, a typical Leo will enjoy only a brief period of rest before he is up again and on the go. To be out of commission for long is intolerable to a Leo.

Sun Sign VIRGO: Virgos are typically healthy and usually take good care of themselves. However, if terribly worried or unhappy, they may succumb to their sign’s tendency toward hypochondria. Virgos can experience frequent stomachaches stemming from their anxious, nervous nature. To maintain their health, they should be wary of working too much and instead learn to relax. However, Virgos often have to trick themselves into relaxing by thinking of it as one more job on their long to-do list. They should sleep more, and spend as much time as possible walking outdoors. Virgos should also avoid alcohol and foods that are very spicy.

Sun Sign LIBRA: Expecting a good life, Libras easily become depressed whenever difficulties arise and can suffer from severe headaches in their mental efforts to resolve problems. When Libras are unhappy, they tend to overeat. They are happier and healthier when engaged in rewarding work. It can also take a great deal of effort for them to motivate themselves to exercise regularly. Libras have a generally strong constitution, but their kidneys and bladder may let them down later in life due to their fondness for wining and dining.

Libra rules the adrenals, kidneys, skin, and lumbar nerves.

Sun Sign SCORPIO: Scorpios are quite often physically strong and enjoy good health. However, some Scorpio individuals do have a tendency to put on weight in later life. Known as the sexiest sign, Scorpios need to release their stress and tension with lovemaking. Their emotions run very deep and their physical needs are great. Nose and throat problems, bladder disorders, and problems with the reproductive organs are the most common Scorpio illnesses. People born under this sign benefit from taking antioxidants. Scorpios have amazing recuperative powers, and though they are rarely ill, they are likely to recover speedily when they are.

Sun Sign SAGITTARIUS: Adventurous and active, Sagittarians fear being ill or confined. As they are so full of life, their energy levels fluctuate and often get depleted. They should watch out for excess weight around the hip and thigh areas, which are the parts of the body that Sagittarius rules. Typical Sagittarians are healthy and energetic. Any kind of routine taxes the Sagittarian optimism. However, their positive outlook helps them to overcome illnesses quickly. Sagittarians tend to take physical risks, so accidents arising from sports can be expected from time to time. The jovial Jupiter influence can lead a Sagittarian into over-indulgence in food or drink. 

Sun Sign CAPRICORN: Capricorns need to learn to relax. Worry, long periods of work, and heavy responsibilities could lead to aches and pains and stress-related illnesses. Capricorns need to be careful of depression. They need to make sure to get enough rest at night, and enough light during the day. Capricorn usually exercise only if it fits into their work regime. Knees and bones are likely to be their vulnerable body parts. Their resistance to disease increases with age. Moderate in their habits, they often live to a ripe old age.

Sun Sign AQUARIUS: Aquarians have vast amounts of energy but often drive themselves into the ground, not knowing when they are tired. They have the habit of not listening to others’ advice to slow down, and they can be rebellious patients who won’t admit defeat. Aquarians need lots of fresh air, plenty of sleep, and regular exercise to stay healthy. Often, their work puts great demands on their eyesight and their time, but they should never miss an appointment at the optician’s. They can have poor circulation, manifesting itself in leg and ankle problems, which are the body parts that Aquarius rules.

Sun Sign PISCES: Typical Pisceans are healthy people as long as they are loved. Unhappy Pisceans are vulnerable to alcohol, drugs, or other ways of escaping reality, which is not good for their mental and physical health. Pisceans can worry, and tend to develop insomnia. If they do relaxing forms of exercise or meditation, they can stay positive. The constant effort of avoiding negativity is the cause of much distress to many Pisceans, who are so intuitive, they often know when someone else is ill and can feel their pain.

See Also
2019 Virgo New Moon

Pisceans also need to take care of their feet, which is the part of the body that Pisces rules. They should always wear comfortable shoes.

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About the Authors

Internationally known self-help author Monte Farber’s inspiring guidance and empathic insights impact everyone he encounters. Amy Zerner’s exquisite, one-of-a-kind spiritual couture creations and collaged fabric paintings exude her profound intuition and deep connection with archetypal stories and healing energies. For more than thirty years they’ve combined their deep love for each other with the work of inner exploration and self-discovery to build The Enchanted World of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber: their bestselling books, card decks, and oracles have helped millions answer questions, find deeper meaning, and follow their own spiritual paths. Together they’ve made their love for each other a work of art and their art the work of their lives. Their newly released book Sun Sign Secrets (Red Wheel /Weiser) is now available.


Twitter: @AmyZerner & @askMonte

Facebook: The Enchanted World

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