3 Ways to Find Inner Peace
3 Ways to Find Inner Peace in this World of Pain and Suffering
Here are the three keys to find Inner Peace
1. Accept that in order to be Happy you have to lose Happiness first.
Why there is so much suffering in this world? If there is a God why can’t He see the pain and suffering mounting each day all over the world? What is the purpose?
Questions like these torment human minds everywhere. Science or philosophy or knowledge cannot answer them. The seers and sages who tell us, “The purpose of life is to provide experience and thus Liberation to the seer,” (Patanjali) give this answer.
If we don’t feel the deepest thirst, how would we ever know what quenching is? If we don’t see the dark night, how would we know the joy of being in the light? If we experience the unwanted first, then the unwanted will drop off like old leaves, and blossoms will come in the spring of life.
People always want to avoid unhappiness, misery, poverty, pain, and enjoy uninterrupted happiness and pleasure. But how can we perceive what is happiness unless we are ready to experience the opposite, that is pain and unhappiness? If we have something we don’t care that we have it. But if we lose it, then we start crying for it, and when we get it back, we are dancing in joy. If we don’t lose something how would we give value to anything?
Any gift that comes for free is not valued in this world. Think about our eyes; do we give value to them, do we express our gratitude for them or do we take them for granted? When one day we lose our vision, and we cry and cry, and run from pillar to post to gain back our sight. The moment we get back our vision, we are the happiest person in the world.
To be happy we need to lose happiness first. Then happiness has value. So don’t avoid pain and suffering; it is only a blackboard on which we can write the story of true joy in life. Life is a play in opposites. We can’t get one without the other.
2. Love your body, meditate upon your mind, and allow the Spirit to BE. You are THAT. ??
Do not lose hope. The New Age is crawling toward the dawn of a new civilization. Humans all over the planet are awakening to a simple understanding that life is not all that it seems. Facebook, Twitter and other social networks are buzzing with the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection. This is a holistic philosophy of life.
Science creates many physical comforts. Never before has man had such access to things that can make life easier, but yet the mind and heart are not at EASE. The Spirit is starving.
Discontent in the midst of abundance is a puzzle and a challenge for people worldwide. ??To be whole is to be holy and holistic; it is a consequence, not a goal. It is a consequence of the understanding that if we learn to respect our body as a divine gift, and our mind as the bridge between our body and our existential self, then we are moving toward a life of integration and regeneration, a life of wholeness and wellness.
This is the New Age spirituality that is trans-religious. No longer are we ready to accept the shallowness created by the traditional religions, that is the organized religions. We are looking for a new window to the world beyond its material appearance.
The sages and enlightened ones are calling our attention to their insight and revealed truth that you are divine, that I am divine, that we all are divine. When the mother crosses the physical barrier and is able to see in her own child’s eyes the light of the divine, she is allowing the divine mother in her to BE. ?When I look into the eyes of the street children I serve, I can only see the Divine, allowing the divine in me to BE. ?Love your body, meditate upon your mind, and allow the spirit to BE. You are THAT.
3. Be the light in the midst of these challenging times.
How can we feel happy just because things are going well with us? There are millions of our sisters and brothers who are facing inhuman exploitation and injustice in this world; our best friends are having difficult times, and there is so much anger, frustration, and negativity all around! Is there any right way to bring solace to our family and friends, and to those who are in such pain and suffering?
Before we take any steps to mend others, we need to first acquire the power in terms of spiritual quality. It is only when our vibrations are much stronger and we are capable enough that we can truly help HEAL others, but not until then. There are many who would quickly jump into advising others, and most often such free advice is rejected or falls on deaf ears. There are even occasions when such advice brings lots of unpleasantness.
So, my first suggestion is this: we need to try to increase the time of our meditation and mindfulness in daily life, try to feel more calm and serene within, try to live a life of fewer reactions and more responses, less stress and more relaxation, more kindness and fewer complaints. This way our positive vibrations create a peripheral awareness, and then we will see our words have power to inspire and influence others. Until we take care of ourselves, we are not ready to help others.
The only thing all of us can do is to be the light in the midst of these challenging times. Remember Tan sadhan Tan siddhi which means, “That which is the practice today is the fulfillment tomorrow.”
We are all cosmic children; to find inner peace, we need to let our mindful breaths take us to a cosmic world free of all stress and pains. Pray for all beings, for Mother Earth, for all natural elements. The earth is in deep pain; manifested in all our hearts, we must heal her with our love for her and our love for all beings.
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About the Author
Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India), is a globally acclaimed motivational and spiritual teacher, author, social advocate and peace maker. Founder of Stress Management Academy, his Simple Art of Managing Stress and Course in Mindfulness are known worldwide, inspiring corporate leadership, students and all seekers of peace and happiness to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Author of the internationally acclaimed Making Your Mind Your Best Friend, Shuddhaanandaa was the recipient of the Man of Peace Award from the World Organisation for Peace in Mexico, 2012. He is recognized as a visionary social advocate for his development of groundbreaking programs that serve thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in slums of Calcutta, India and remote villages of West Bengal. He founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission in 1985.
Please read his new books Cleaning the Mirror of Mind, and The Incredible Life of a Himalayan Yogi, both available on Kindle.
For more information visit http://www.courseinmindfulness.com/
Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India): Globally acclaimed motivational teacher (mindfulness meditation, stress reduction) author, peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012) Visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. (Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015)