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The 7 Most Common Messages from Spirits

The 7 Most Common Messages from Spirits


The 7 Most Common Messages from Spirits During Readings with Psychic Mediums

By Bob Olson

When people are considering getting a reading from a psychic medium, they often don’t know what to expect. If the medium is able to contact their deceased loved one, what kinds of messages from spirits will be sent? Will they be judgmental? Will their message be sorrowful?

Here are seven of the most common messages from spirits we hear from those who have passed during a reading with a psychic medium.

The 7 Most Common Messages from Spirits

Common Messages from Spirits #1. “I’m okay.” Immediately following their passing, people in spirit want their loved ones to know that they are okay–they are happy, healthy, and alive. Mainly, they want us to know that they survived death; that is, they did not disappear but rather still exist, only now in spirit form versus physical form.

Common Messages from Spirits #2. “My suffering ended the second I died.” Many people worry that their loved ones continue to suffer from their illness, injuries, or mental anguish after death. Therefore, one of the most common messages from people in spirit is that their suffering ended the moment they left their bodies. Once in spirit, they were free from all human and physical suffering.

Common Messages from Spirits #3. “I’m closer to you now than I ever was before.” People in spirit commonly convey through mediums that they can see, hear, and even read their surviving loved one’s thoughts. Consequently, our loved ones in spirit know more about what’s going on with us physically, emotionally, and spiritually and therefore feel closer to us than when they were living in their physical bodies.

Common Messages from Spirits #4. “I’m watching over you.” As an expansion of the prior message, our loved ones in spirit commonly want us to know that they are watching over us from the spirit world and guiding us when appropriate and possible. This doesn’t mean, however, that they are constantly hovering over us at every second; but they check in on us regularly and come to our side whenever we think of them.

In this way, they always know what is going on in our lives (our triumphs and disappointments). They are watching when we graduate from college, become a parent, get a new job, and even when we become ill, have an accident, or suffer a terrible tragedy. They do guide us when it is appropriate for them to do so, but we must be open to their guidance by following our intuition and remaining aware of the signs, coincidences, and messengers they send plus the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Common Messages from Spirits #5. “I was greeted by loved ones here.” Our loved ones in spirit commonly want us to know that they were greeted by loved ones who passed before them upon their return to the afterlife. They often refer to this as a homecoming celebration, where family members, friends, and even pets greeted them with love and jubilation.

Common Messages from Spirits #6. “I am living in peace, joy, and love in the spirit world.” Although it is not possible to put into words the blissful experience of living in the dimension of spirit, our deceased loved ones often try to convey to us how wonderful it is. They describe living in the light of the hereafter as feeling welcome, warm, safe, loved, joyful, boundless, liberated, peaceful, friendly, sweet, blissful, radiant, dreamlike, free, and harmonious, to list just a few of the common descriptions.

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Dain Heer

Common Messages from Spirits #7. “I love you.” As simple and basic as this may seem, love is the most important of all messages. Our loved ones in spirit always want us to know that they love us, which also means that they forgive us, they are proud of us, and they want nothing more for us than to be happy.

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About the Author

Bob Olson, author of Answers About The Afterlife: A Private Investigator’s 15-Year Research Unlocks The Mysteries Of Life After Death (, is a former skeptic and private investigator who began investigating evidence of life after death after the passing of his father. This event ignited questions that he never before considered, so he decided to use his skills as a private eye to investigate the afterlife. Olson’s expertise in this field led him to create, and He also has a course for psychic mediums at

View Comments (6)
  • It is always good to have that reminder ~ have you seen “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers” ??? Great book of messages from beyond.

  • Loved that book, it confirmed a lot of what I was told from spirit following the death of someone I loved.

  • Depending on how long since they passed one of the most common messages I get is about how they have work to do where they are, not work as we think of it 9-5 stuff but watching over others and how joyful it is, some even mention training. The spirit world is a fascinating place!

  • I hate all these ads on these sites like this….you can’t even find the next page arrow…

  • No your not. Your a piece of shot scam artist who us about to have your world crumble apart. Some psychic, you don’t even see it coming. People do not trust this man….

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