Ascension: Rise Above
We humans have many connections to the air element that go far beyond what we might identify most commonly. Sure, we are born by breathing and the simple mechanics of that organic movement in our body serves to keep us mindful of our tenuous hold on where we are and what we need to be doing. Our interactions throughout life may be influenced by the vibrations of sound and other energies carried on the wind that we are fortunate to perceive.
Let us also remember our desire to fly, soar like the birds, and rise above our humble circumstances. This inherent drive has caused us to create great, miraculous machines of all types which engage us in the marvel of aerodynamics. We must never lose appreciation of these accomplishments.
Part of our collective experience, throughout history, has been our drive to rise above whatever problems or differences we may encounter. We talk about overcoming obstacles, raising the bar, and lifting our spirits. It is with appreciation to this part of The Conundrum that keeps us grounded, through which we are able to let go of our worries and other entanglements and dream of more and better.
We can observe, and maybe better understand, how we have arrived at this point in our timelessness; for time itself is a marker of sorts. Our idea of linear time may morph into a spiral where we have a better view of what came before, what is going on all around us, and where we may be headed. Our transition from one dimension to another may well depend upon our ability to rise above the boundaries of time, as we understand them currently.
Seeing ‘less’ of time may afford us opportunity to leap ahead across greater distances and realize a different way of finding more of it, as odd as that may sound. We have tracked time in many ways throughout history, so maybe it is time to push the envelope? Recognizing an increase of timelessness in our own daily life may end up giving us more time with which to be compassionate, creative, and find solutions to our problems—whatever they may be.
One major issue we see being played out in our current timeline is the change from an older system of very restricted or devoted time and its connection to value, worth, and accounting. Those of us who see the timelines of other creatures, and maybe even that of our own, reaching their endpoint may recognize that making time work for us is slowly being redefined. We find ourselves questioning where time fits into our lives, how much of it we spend doing various things, and our desire to do more than we ever have before.
When we are not held back by time, just as when we are not held back by other problems, we find we are better to rise. Think of the many ways, culturally, we have structured and systemized ourselves into neat little time compartments: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, etc. Generations go on without questioning these measurements, for we have grown so used to these ruts in the road of our evolution.
The rub may be that it takes the components of air and electricity that live within our brain to comprehend that we need to think beyond the limits of our organic self. We need to invoke trust in the process of ascension that we are meant to rise above our limitations. This may mean leaving such things as ego and other such lower forms of vibrational energy behind, since they are not of the same level as where we are going.
How many of us manage to get through the day without hardly looking at a watch to remind us of what time it is? Maybe we are programmed by shows on television or some other routines, and have chosen those as an alternate form of timekeeping? Are we astounded by our ability to rise by the measure of the natural sunlight and wind down our circadian rhythm with the rest of Mother Nature?
For quite some time, certain cultures have maintained that if a person did not operate in a time frame that coordinated with the rest of society, that person may be considered an eccentric—maybe even an outcast. With so many people who find themselves unable to sleep at night, we may be looking at an evolutionary step in our timeless progression. We may not be used to varying schedules; yet we find that it is not necessarily a wrong or negative thing to be productive at night, while the rest of the world is sleeping.
There are other ways the air element fills our essence, which none of the other elements are able to match exactly. When we think of water having its weight and movement—its flow—we can almost always identify form and demarcation. Earth, of course, has its own natural boundaries. Fire’s essence holds to a certain shape as well; even though it is air’s contrast and can morph in an instant, there is still a noticeable form to it.
Air, while it may be described in certain ways, does defy shape and form. It can fill a space with so much atmosphere that is changeable. We consider it refreshing to be in a more open-air environment; to have plenty of air surrounding us and supporting us in our ability to move and elevate our thinking. Looking to the open sky above us, we dream and yearn to cover vast distances, understanding more about what is ‘not there,’ and reminding us of our ethereal essence and all that it entails.
So, when we talk about ascension, it is with this type of clarity and boundlessness that we are enabled to take flight. We have discovered ways to do this in a physical way; so we may be better able to comprehend what it means to rise in our metaphysical journey as well. Let us be filled with all the air we need to make this change a reality, each in our way.
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Kathy Custren, OMTimes Magazine Senior Editor, strives for balance in life with a deep respect for all. Interests include education, elements, nature, humanity's cosmic origins, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Connect with "Consciousness Live" on WordPress and the community page "Consciousness Live" on Facebook. Read more at Mindblogger: