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Carol Tuttle – Dressing Your Truth

Carol Tuttle – Dressing Your Truth

Amazing things happen to people who honor their true natures! Dressing Your Truth is an online, do-it-yourself makeover system that empowers a woman with the insight and tools to honor and express her unique Type of beauty. It is a far cry from all of the fashion/beauty makeovers you’ve probably seen in magazines or on TV. Instead of just focusing on your outward appearance, it helps you awaken to your inner truth first, bringing a deeper understanding of your true nature.

We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary of the Dressing Your Truth online course. Currently, there are over 30,000 women in 87 countries who are dressing their truth!

OMTIMES: What do you mean by “conscious fashion”? How does Dressing Your Truth help a woman become more conscious?

Carol Tuttle: I believe all women are beautiful and have a deep innate sense of how to bring out their beauty when given the insight and tools to do that. Unfortunately, our current fashion system focuses more on the resources of fashion and less on the woman herself, which then prevents this kind of beauty consciousness and skill being developed.

After many years of healing my inner self, I knew my inner truth and loved who I was by then.

See Also

But every morning, I still had to open my closet and pick out something to wear. And what I wore on the outside didn’t match up with the strong, beautiful woman I knew I was on the inside.

This time, I was sure the problem wasn’t me. After all, not every woman in the world could really be a failure at feeling and looking beautiful as the fashion industry had led them to believe! The current fashion system teaches women “how to put beauty on.” Dressing Your Truth teaches a woman how to bring her true beauty out by first learning her Type of beauty and then using the tools of fashion (i.e. clothes, accessories, makeup, hairstyles) to express her unique Type of beauty.

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