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Carol Tuttle – Dressing Your Truth

Carol Tuttle – Dressing Your Truth

I help women achieve this first with my free Beauty Profile online videos, where they can identify which of the 4 Types of beauty they lead with in their inner nature and outer appearance. From there, in the Dressing Your Truth online course experience, I then teach women the specific elements to incorporate that honor their Type of beauty.

OMTIMES: How does Dressing Your Truth help women connect with their True Feminine Energy?

Carol Tuttle: With the current energetic shift that woman are going through to truly see and live their truth in its fullness, in equal partnership with men, it is important to me to help women in this effort. I believe the true feminine energy has a gift for creating beauty and loves to play with the tools that adorn and beautify.

Dressing Your Truth teaches a woman how to do this in a heartfelt, soulful way that brings all women on to equal ground, the ground that all women are beautiful and there is no competition in being beautiful—that is the true feminine.

OMTIMES: Some people say fashion is materialistic. Why should conscious, spiritually minded women be mindful about their personal style?

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Carol Tuttle: For decades, women have been pitched a reference to beauty and fashion that is superficial and inauthentic, which turns off conscious, enlightened women.

But as women, we can pretend we don’t care about our appearance, and adhere to the popular compromise that “beauty is on the inside.” While it is true that we all have inner beauty, I know that deep down everyone woman has an opinion about her appearance and unfortunately the most popular belief is, “I am not beautiful enough. I don’t measure up.”

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