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Carol Tuttle – Dressing Your Truth

Carol Tuttle – Dressing Your Truth

I am grateful to offer conscious, spiritually minded women a program that honors the truth of who each woman is. My desire is to help you see your true nature and Type of beauty both in your gifts and talents, attributes, personality, and physical characteristics. I believe every woman wants to look her best, and rightfully she should. The Dressing Your Truth online experience makes it possible for you to feel confident, look beautiful and create a personal style that honors who you really are.

OMTIMES: Tell us what you mean by every woman has a “beauty sixth sense”

Carol Tuttle: Because the current fashion system encourages a woman to wear changing styles follow the fashion trends set up by other experts, a woman is taught not to pay attention to her own intuitive beauty sense. When you identify your Type of beauty and learn to dress your truth, you recognize that many of the styles and fashions you were drawn to all along, are actually the best for you. That inner knowing about what is right for your beauty is what I like to call your “beauty sixth sense.”

See Also

I am sorry that our current fashion system has caused so many women to believe that we are not beautiful and that we have to just accept that as a truth. It is a lie, and one that I have a passion for shedding light on. I’m excited to helping the next woman who joins Dressing Your Truth to find her beauty and be able to look in the mirror and with full honesty and reverence know and feel this truth: “I am beautiful.”

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