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Derrick Ashong – Winning From Change

Derrick Ashong – Winning From Change



Marlise:  That’s beautiful! And now, as we do at every program we are going to take a bit of time activate that peace and the potential needed to embrace each other as well as the change in our lives.

Stillness Session®

Marlise:  Slowly and gently bring yourself fully back. So, Derrick, do you believe the level of acceptance you have for change is possible for everyone, maybe even for a society as a whole? And then what would you say is key in how you have learned to accept it?

Derrick Ashong:  I don’t think that everyone has to be as comfortable as I am with it in order for us to have a magnitude shift in the way in which we interface with one another and with our environment in our world. I think all that we need to do is be willing to open our minds, our hearts and see the world through the eyes of someone else.  And the best way to practice doing that is right where you are.

See Also

People think like oh well there are conflicts and troubles around the world, no, they are all kinds of differences and divisions even in our own homes and if we can find a way to stop and just try to put ourselves in that place where you are seeing the world, the situation and environment through the eyes of someone else – it can have a profound impact.

So, I tend to be optimistic about what’s possible, because to me going back to the advance of technology which enables us to see, hear, and interface with one another so much more easily and so much more frequently I think it presents us more and more opportunities to see through the eyes of others.

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