The Embodiment of Me, Myself and I

The Embodiment of Me, Myself and I
by Jennifer Deisher
“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” – Lao Tzu
This may be a little challenging initially but we don’t need a psychologist to analyze our own “multiple personalities” of Me, Myself, and I. They are all present in our reality, so let’s learn about who’s who in the equation. The purpose of Embodiment is to exist in the emotional and spiritual space of Freedom, separate from the burdens of other’s expectations. Embracing our own Journey through Life transcends us into creating our own Voyage, in our own vehicle, with no hitchhiking needed. Driving ourselves we Learn to take the scenic route through Life while growing in emotional and spiritual intelligence. Let’s face it, there’s enough going on with Me, Myself, and I than to ever worry about other’s perception of Self. Life is an Infinite River presenting the opportunity to learn about Self in order to grow into the Spiritual dimension, not the other way around.
The Trinity and the Journey of Life
Me is the Driver, the “ego” mind, and the emotionally tender one who Experiences said emotion by way of the Passenger’s Perspective – Positive or negative. The Driver acts and reacts to the circumstances based on the conditions of “River Road” such as obstacles and circumstances on life’s Path. It’s the Driver’s responsibility to keep everyone in the vehicle safe. In that, they can be overprotective with a tendency to tirelessly drive in circles (just because it’s familiar doesn’t mean it’s good for us). The Driver is hesitant attempting new things and as such tends to play it Safe rarely pursuing alternative routes or new destinations. In stark contradiction, the Driver lives in “fear” as they lack Confidence. The Driver and Passenger tend to debate about the radio “channel” in regards to playing it Safe or really going for the Heart and Soul kind of music – it’s all about the radio in the car, you know? They are constantly trying to please one another instead of paying attention to their specific roles.
Myself- is our own unique lens and perspective on the World and our Lives in general. Myself is the Passenger who’s in charge of the radio and what frequency it’s on by way of Self’s perspective which can change at any moment. The Passenger transmits the radio signal giving the Driver information on road conditions and the route by way of their Experiences. The Passenger is the Creator of our reality by how they choose to Experience Life awakening the Emotions of the Driver. The Passenger is most important as they fully Experience the ride and have control of the radio “channel” also known as The Law of Attraction. He/she chooses the frequency of transmission and determines whether or not the radio is set to Receive. On one hand, The Passenger is curious and thirsts for knowledge and experiences through our own perspective, am I enjoying the ride? On the flip side, the Passenger sometimes likes what they see and doesn’t want to change vantage points. For example, the Passenger tends to become consumed looking out the rear window (the past) or the front window (the future) and forgets to enjoy the view of Life as it passes by in the Moment of NOW. In that, the Passenger gets distracted struggling to decide whether to re-visit a Path already taken or try a new way.
I – Higher Self. I holds the Atlas to the Experiences we wish to have on this passage called Life. I equals the “I AM” Presence whose purpose is to Navigate the unfamiliar road and mediate between the Driver and the Passenger. The Navigator’s responsibility is ensuring the Driver and Passenger don’t get lost along the way while quibbling which tends to represent the proverbial angel on one shoulder and devil on the other. The Navigator’s duty is to guide the Driver and Passenger through the ever changing River of Life. Since the Navigator is only Present in Spirit he/she is in charge of delivering Conscious Awareness into our physical realty a.k.a. the vehicle. When the Passenger decides the destination they send out a radio transmission to the Navigator who then, Lovingly but firmly, encourages the Driver to alter their course. The Navigator is hard to communicate with sometimes because we first have to acknowledge their Presence and give them Permission to Create the Atlas. In other words, we have to invite the Navigator to do his/her job of gracefully presenting the Driver a new route and encouraging the Passenger to tune into the receiver on the radio. The Navigator is the Unconditional Love of our I AM Presence who Loves us no matter what we choose to Experience on the trip but asks that we not harm ourselves or others in life’s journey.
Infinite River
Life is a River flowing in the Infinite pattern of the Creator always presents an opportunity for the Driver to change course. This eternal pattern allows the Passenger’s perspective to observe and tune into a destination. Our Conscious Awareness of the Navigator permits us to feel Safe knowing someone has a map of the River of Life so we are never lost.
Recognizing the pattern of the Infinite River assures that we always know where we’re coming from and where we’re going. The crossroads may not look exactly the same as the River is always moving but we always have a choice! If we simply Learn to ask the Navigator, they will bring us to another location or take us to the restful shore of the River. We understand that Spirit may not always give us what we WANT but we get what we NEED first to ultimately get what we want. This means we can virtually “start over” in every Moment just by asking for a new itinerary, forging a new Path for the Driver and Passenger revealing the compass of Perspective on Life and its Infinite possibilities.
To fully Embody the trinity of Me, Myself, and I with the Emotional and Spiritual aspects of the I AM Presence, let’s discuss what this means. Spirit is not something tangible, rather this Presence is like the mist endlessly uniting Love and Connectedness into our “reality.” We also have a physical vehicle (Life and its Expression) that needs to be tended to in order to keep the body functioning rhythmically down River Road. Let’s now dissect the word Embodiment as it pertains to the Trinity.
The Embodiment
Em – the Emotional aspects of our vehicle or Life expression: how we FEEL about events which also relates to our Spirituality. To experience all is to know what Feels harmonic and melodious or dark and disturbing. This requires us to be Emotionally present in the vehicle (Life) aware of our FEELINGS and inspiring Spirit to Navigate. Are we paying close attention to our Emotions and Listening to what they’re trying to tell us about ourselves?
The bodi asks us to be physically aware of our physiology as it relates to the mind and spirit. Are we exercising? Are we eating properly? Are we cherishing our Spirit and what it wants to accomplish emotionally via the physical body? In other words, exercising our physical body can rid ourselves of anxiety, anger, depression, and many other negative vibrations we are looking to release.
Ment is the Mental/psychological lens we use, this is equivalent to our Perceptions and how we choose to define our Experiences or whether they define us. Are we mentally allowing ourselves the opportunity to Experience the infinite possibilities the River has to offer? Or are we holding onto the shoreline afraid to let go and fully engage the River? Are we “sober”, awake, and aware of what’s going on around us and in our Lives or are we in denial of our “reality”?
The Embodiment of the Life Experience and the Infinite River is the Conscious Awareness we bring to our Lives in general. In short, we have a symbiotic relationship between our Emotions and our Spiritual Awareness or Presence which is the number 2. We have the Trinity of Me, Myself, and I or the Driver, Passenger, and Navigator of our Life Journey which is the number 3. And, have our vehicle which is the Emotional/Spiritual, Physical, and Mental/Psychological components of our Life and its Expression which is also 3. Add it all up and we get the number 8, flip it on its side and we are limitlessly and undoubtedly prepared for the Journey of Life on the Infinite River.
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About the Author
Jennifer Deisher believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She also founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.
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