Embracing Change

Embracing Change Along Your Path
Excerpted from The Inner Camino: A Path of Awakening
by Sara Hollwey and Jill Brierley
This process of inner psychological and existential change is a complex one. Everything we encounter, including every miserable meanness and unhappiness, is the very compost out of which we can learn and grow.
Since time began, the world has been unpredictable and constantly in the process of change, whether through ongoing evolution, war, natural disasters, economic collapse… We may seek to create outer stability and maintain the status quo in a universe where the only predictable element is that change is constant.
Indeed, most of us have a common desire for safety, a need to achieve and a striving for happiness that may seem at odds with the universal law of impermanence. The Inner Camino will help us cross a threshold from self-limiting belief systems that may be trying to hold back the inevitable tides of change. It aims to develop an inner steadfastness and a sophisticated level of imagination. This makes us flexible enough to challenge deep-rooted habits and beliefs, and to embrace change fearlessly.
When we work out of Intuitive Consciousness, we develop a strong sense of self-belief and self-love, which is the foundation stone for intuitive wisdom. From there, we can embrace the unknown and welcome change. The Inner Camino encourages us to tap in to a stream of awakened consciousness that can access an inner wisdom so simple and practical, it is absurd we are not picking it up more intentionally as a daily practice.

It is often the case that we awaken to more existential questions in moments of crisis. For some of us it is through financial disaster, for others it is loneliness or losing those we love through serious illness. The rest of the time there is a desire to cling to some certainty, some safety and sense of life as being predictable. Even if we dislike the version of life that we have dealt ourselves, better that than face the unknown. However, why wait until some crisis hits us before awakening to a higher level of consciousness?
We are so focused on the outer world as a way of controlling our inner states that we miss the essential point. Happiness and contentment are internal and experiential states. In order to attain these, we need to target this experiential realm, and discover a level of consciousness within us that can rise above whatever is happening in the outer realm of form. What we need is a Genie that not only rises from the lamp and says ‘Your wishes are my command’, but teaches us how to become the Genie itself. It is time to wake up to the mystical world and inner wisdom that seems to remain tantalizingly elusive, beyond our grasp. Let us step for a moment out of the hurly-burly chaos that has become ‘normal’ life, rise and survey the battleground of the ordinary world from the luminous field of stars above.
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About the Authors
Sara Hollwey (Reg.Psychol.P.S.I; I.A.H.I.P; I.A.C.P) works in private practice with individuals, couples and families, and in the University College Dublin as part of the School of Psychology. She is a registered clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, as well as an experienced supervisor. Her work includes teaching and facilitating students and groups within Ireland and the United Kingdom.
Jill Brierley (Reg. U.K.C.P.) Dipl.PW, MA Integrative Arts and Psychotherapy and Practitioner in E.M.D.R. Jill also includes Anthroposophy, Eastern and Western spirituality in her work. Jill has a private psychotherapy practice working with individuals, couples and supervision.

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