Erich von Däniken: Remnants of the Gods
Do connections with other stars exist?
Erich von Däniken: There is definitely life out there. There are billions and billions of stars and, from the simple point of view of statistics, there must be thousands and thousands of extra-terrestrial civilizations out there. And of course, some of these civilizations are much more advanced than us and we are still trying to make contact to make contact with radio signals. But the radio signals for them is probably a primitive way to make contact. There must be other meanings to communicate with them other than radio signals, because we know that in one second you can cover 300 thousand kilometers, which means if you are contacting Alpha Centauri which is 4 light years away, it would take eight years for them to answer us back. There must be another way, because it makes no sense as an inter-stellar communication. The problem we have is that some humans, some people claim that they are having some sort of mental contact with the extra-terrestrials, but they have nothing to hand, no proof. Are these personalities telling the truth or just telling us stories? This is the problem we have today.
Do you believe in God?
Erich von Däniken: I am a deep believer in God and I want to explain this. You know my hypothesis is that thousands of years ago, our forefathers, some primitive Stone Age people, saw the extraterrestrial spaceship arrive here and they could not understand what they were and believed that these were gods. Of course, we know that there is one God. (to be continued next page)

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