Gemstones and Awareness

by Abhijita Kulshretha
The subconscious of the human mind is a very vast territory. It is that portion of the mind which remains unexplored as most human beings ‘believe’ that they operate from the level of conscious mind only (this of course is a very small component of the actual mind).
However, even in an individuals most unaware state of self, it is the subconscious mind that drives most of the decisions, choices and courses of action. One may be paddling ones boat in an illusion of control but the reverse is quite true. It is the impressions of the unknown past that drive this engine.
The ancients realized this early as they sought to understand themselves and the world around them. And the most profound truth they came was this – II Yat pinde, tat brahmande II …that which is within defines the world around you! That the body is the microcosm and the universe is the macrocosm. In other words “As above, so below”. It is ultimately the consciousness that is the center of all things.
The power of creation mirrors itself in each creature. The conditions that we nurture within our bodies becomes out world. If an individual is given to vices, the tattva or the essence of all that is consumed by him/ her by any of the senses – sights, sounds, smells, tastes or actions – gets assimilated and begins to alter the nature and fundamentals of the microcosm.
The outer is merely a reflection of the inner environment and thus begins the journey of encounters with unhealthy experiences, frustrations and complete manifestation of the illusory play of Maya.
The purusha gets invested by a basic prakriti at the time of birth and this is determined by the karmic exchanges left to carry out and also based on lessons to be learnt in the lifetime. However, going by the truth “all is one”, it is possible by channelizing the force of the atman to get the tide working in ones best interest. Upon heightening ones power of awareness the individual can discriminate between illusion and reality in a much better manner.
Gemstones are an amazing treasure that the Almighty has hidden in the dark entrails of the earth. Use of pure, saatvik, natural and treatment free gemstones brings the etheric portals or cent res in the body also known as the chakras into a state of balance.
Balance is what helps in achievement of inner harmony and self-awareness. This awareness is essential to discover one’s true prakriti (nature) – that which is naturally tuned into finding its union with paramatma. When life is experienced at this level of awareness, goals become clearer, grief dissolves paving the way to move ahead.
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About the Author
Abhijita Kulshrestha is the director and consultant at She is a PGA certified Vedic astrologer and GIA certified gemologist. She is also an NLP practitioner certified by NFNLP, Florida.

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