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OMTimes Magazine August E 2014 Edition

OMTimes Magazine August E 2014 Edition


OMTimes-Magazine-August-E-2014-EditionOMTimes thinks it is very stylish to have Carol Tuttle on the cover of the OMTimes Magazine August E 2014 Edition.

Carol Tuttle is an electrifying catalyst for healing who has devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into overflowing abundance. A Master Energy Therapist, Carol developed a program called Energy Profiling that helps people identify and honor their true natures, strengths, and gifts. Building on her experience, Carol next developed Dressing Your Truth, an online, do-it-yourself makeover system that empowers a woman with the insight and tools to honor and express her unique Type of beauty.

OMTimes is privledged to share this exclusive interview.

OMTimes is a Holistic Green eZine with a Spiritual, Self-growth perspective for the Conscious Community. OM Times was created to share new ways of thinking to promote Healing on personal, community and global levels; and to bring attention to the individuals and organizations that are making a difference.

OMTimes: Co-Creating a More Conscious Lifestyle

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To enjoy the multimedia edition with its eye-catching graphics, mp3s and videos, click the cover or visit:

OMTimes Magazine August E 2014 Edition

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