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Oracle for August 2014 – Authenticity

Oracle for August 2014 – Authenticity


by Darity Wesley


Authenticity – The energies and directions for the month of August are evolving around Authenticity. It is time to really step up to the plate, time to drop all the pretenses, the affectations, finish with what you have been taught is proper, finish with your conditioning or your mind’s crazy machinations when something happens to or for you, and move more and more into expressing that true authentic self that you are. August is all about upping the ante on not pretending any more. So, do, read on…

To keep in front of you the transitioning energies that have gone on this year, the Oracle has had us working on grounding our visions, being flexible as we walk along, learning how to stand in our integrity and convictions, contemplating at a much deeper level all that is going on, understanding how important opening our energies is, then diverging from our usual patterns to change our conditioning. Now, we move to being, or learning to be, authentic.

As the Oracle always likes to do every month, let’s look at how this word is defined in the dictionary because it gives us a foundation upon which to build our understanding of our practice this month. It is always good to see how it is really defined rather than just what we think we know the word means. As I have said so many times before, this is important: First of all, because misunderstanding words prevents the truth of the matter from coming into your consciousness. Second of all, it is important because you truly are expanding these concepts as you move into the New Landscape of the New Reality.

So, authenticity, what does it mean? Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines authenticity as, “the quality of being authentic,” and defines authentic as “real or genuine,” “true and accurate.” It comes from a Greek word meaning, “to master,” and before that a Sanskrit word meaning, “he gains.” It would seem then that the general meaning, for our purposes here, is being real and genuine, true and accurate, being true to yourself and who you are. That totally fits in with what Eckhart Tolle says about authenticity: “Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.” Needless to say, the “if realized” is the biggest part of this equation, eh?

I think, with these definitions and Eckhart’s quote, we know the direction the Oracle is pointing us in this month: working on any blocks or mental structures that continue to hamper us from being and expressing our true selves, and tapping into or finding the pure consciousness that we are. I wrote a chapter in a fabulous book called, 27 Flavors of Fulfillment: How to Live a Happy Fulfilling Life. My chapter is called, “How to Express Your True Authentic Self.” You can get it on Amazon, if you are interested.

Anyway, that was the first time Spirit had directed me to write specifically about authenticity. From that came a book that is now being written, which is totally expanding on this concept. I only mention this to let you know that being real no matter what, expressing your true self, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, provides a level of confidence that we may not have known before.

So, with August, we move further into this year of breakthroughs or breakdowns. Whether you have broken down or have broken through, it is time to be who you really are…scary or not, here you come!!!!

The process of dropping the pretentions, protections and affectations, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and step out with your real-self hanging out has a twofold experience: fear and then confidence. First, fear, especially in the beginning, because we are frightened of what someone might think: They might think bad of us or not like us, or make fun of us, or make us feel diminished somehow, if we state our truth without compunction.

But then confidence and satisfaction, because when we grow up, when we become mentally and spiritually healthy, we know that, first, we are not in the world to live up to anyone else’s expectations, right? How many times have you heard that in your life? And, second, because when we are mentally healthy we know that there will be people who like us and those who do not like us; so we really don’t need to try to be anything other than our real selves to other people.

By just being ourselves, people will like us for who we really are or not; clear, eh? It was long ago that I decided not to let other people dictate who I was or how I did things. I decided I am going to be me, however that manifests at any time.

Now, this month is all about authenticity, being you. When we think of it, authenticity, it is who you are at your core level; how you express yourself: open, closed, introvert, extrovert, humorous, serious…all of our personalities are different. At the same time, it is important to be mindful of the fact that we have a society that we live in–our global society and our very own local society–none of which are such authentic societies, at least not yet. Personally, I am very hopeful, as I have lived a long time and I see how the energies of Now are creating the transformations that are slowly but surely breaking that mold.

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If you want people to hear what you have to say, more so in a business situation or structure, you can still be you without feeling like you have given up something; so long as you are conscious of the choices you are making about being yourself. As an attorney, I dress up a lot so that people will not be thinking about what I am wearing or what I look like and listen to me. I am still me, the true authentic me. Just because I may appear to look like my peers does not necessarily mean I am like them; but it totally facilitates communication.

At the same time, it is always good to stay aware and alert, however, when folks say “just be yourself” because there tends to be a lot of judgment and reaction to one just being themselves. What it means, generally, is to relax and get along with everyone.

So, this Oracle is here to say that no matter your situation, express who you are. Allow yourself the heart space to know that you are fine, no matter who or what is happening to you. Know that with all the big changes coming in the latter part of this year of 2014, as energies begin to move faster, stronger, and more powerfully than ever, your spiritual practice of making sure you are your evolving, true self will support you through these changes.

You are encouraged by the Oracle to step into your real true self, be wholly who you are, as best you know it at the time. This will support the expansion of your Spirit. Know that Spirit supports you each and every step of the way and always, always remember to be the change you want to see in the world and to do it with love…always with love.

Let your mantra for the month of August be: I AM stepping into being real, no matter what…exploring and expressing who I am in each and every moment. And So It Is!!!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2014 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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