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8 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Soul

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Soul

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After you die, you are your soul. You’re still yourself, but without your body.

by Annie Kagan




My brother Billy woke me at dawn three weeks after his death to assure me that “Death isn’t as serious as you think it is honey, so far it’s very enjoyable. Couldn’t be better really.” Was I imagining things? Maybe, but the energy that came along with his voice made me absolutely euphoric. As Billy’s visits continued, I realized that my bad-boy-drug-addicted-living-on-the-edge brother was telling me about the mysteries of the cosmos.

Here are some things he said about the soul:


8 Things My Bad-Boy Brother Taught Me About The Soul

1. People on earth sometimes get glimpses of each other’s souls, like when they fall in love. Being in an earthly body and looking through physical eyes limits your ability to see the soul. Your physical eyes can’t see the soul directly, so it remains invisible.

2. Your soul is propelled into your body when you’re in the womb. It then becomes the invisible force that gives you life. And when the time is right, your soul is launched up into a luminous dimension at the moment of your so-called death.

3. After you die, you are your soul. You’re still yourself, but without your body. As you float through the next dimension, you feel bliss. Bliss is like being in love multiplied by a thousand. That kind of bliss isn’t compatible with the human body because bodies are subject to certain laws. There are soul laws too but they’re lenient and easygoing, inclined in your favor.

4. Every soul is unique in very beautiful ways. Some are just further along the path of development than others, and that’s okay. On earth, there’s a lot of who’s-better-than-who type issues and that causes a lot of suffering. Souls are not envious or competitive, so meeting one that’s more advanced is a big plus!

5. In the Afterlife, the love of the Higher Souls transforms you. It’s not like earth love. Not dependent on what you do or how you look. On our planet, people talk about unconditional love, but until you’ve actually been loved that way it’s impossible to understand the power of it.

See Also

6. We don’t have even a vague idea of the soul’s divine magnificence when we are alive. If we could see the ravishing beauty of the soul while we’re on earth, we’d be so overwhelmed we probably couldn’t function. You’d go into a store to buy something and get hung up for hours marveling at the cashier’s soul. If you saw the soul of your so-called enemy, you’d probably fall in love with them, and then what?

7. If we could see each other’s souls, all war would end and everyone would stop what they’re doing and go feed the hungry children. The soul is that powerfully good. Earth would become one big love-in.

8. As souls, there’s nothing we want or need from each other anymore, except to enjoy each other’s light. That’s it. No words, no attachments, no demands. We’d all just be Universes radiating light.

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About the Author

When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, her future took a surprising turn. She recorded her conversations with Billy from the other side and published them in her debut book The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.

View Comments (11)
  • Loved the book! Love you Annie! Thank you for the courage to help humanity with Billy’s words ??

  • Love to get this book but being on a major financial will just have to wait I guess……. 🙁

  • In the article, “8 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Soul” I believe the writer confused “Soul” with “Spirit”
    Your spirit is a part of reoccurrence, your soul goes to the moon. Gurdjieff explains this theory very well in the book “The Fourth Way”. There are many books supporting this theory, but Gurdjieff breaks it all down very well.


  • I can relate to number 1, because of the amazingly powerful euphoric experience I had with my ex, as it turns out that both of our souls have met each other before and recognise each other’s soul signature.

    For 2 – I did pass away on 2014, but was brought back to life from a friend/loved one [Because it was ahead of my time]. When I was out of my body… I felt peace, serenity, bliss, safety, calmness and the feeling of being one with the Universe. It was a really, really beautiful experience.

    Number 3 – Aye, the body will rot but the soul will live on. Our consciousness and memories are still with us.

    No. 4 – Aye, the reason why I was wiser with many things as compared to my peers was because of the collected wisdom from my past lives combo-ed with the personal fears and obstacles that I overcomed along the way in this life.

    No. 5 – True and genuine love is very possible on Earth/Gaia. I am living proof and have many, acquaintances, friends and loved ones from both the Physical and Spiritual Realm. I practice, preach and spread love because I want to be the change I wish to see upon the World and the Universe.

    No. 6 – Ahahaha, true. In the end, we are all one and the same inside. It is when we are in a body, it is a test and testimony to practice trial-and-error as we accumulate wisdom and experiences along the way.

    7 – Aye, this is one of the reasons why a lot of people, souls and spirits appreciate my understanding, preaching and practice on that. I embrace that origin and purpose, that is why I am ever more courageous, wise, joyful, beautiful, powerful, compassionate, passionate and determined than who I was before.

    8 – Aye, we sure are. Life is really that simple but we sure love to complicate that. Good thing that the tide is turning now.

    Thank you so much, Annie and Billy. Your efforts will not be taken for granted.

    Bless you both and may the fruits of your labour give you an amazing seeds of love, knowledge, wisdom and hope for the future (and the present).

  • I can relate to number 1, because of the amazingly powerful euphoric experience I had with my ex, as it turns out that both of our souls have met each other before and recognise each other’s soul signature.

    For 2 – I did pass away on 2014, but was brought back to life from a friend/loved one [Because it was ahead of my time]. When I was out of my body… I felt peace, serenity, bliss, safety, calmness and the feeling of being one with the Universe. It was a really, really beautiful experience.

    Number 3 – Aye, the body will rot but the soul will live on. Our consciousness and memories are still with us.

    No. 4 – Aye, the reason why I was wiser with many things as compared to my peers was because of the collected wisdom from my past lives combo-ed with the personal fears and obstacles that I overcomed along the way in this life.

    No. 5 – True and genuine love is very possible on Earth/Gaia. I am living proof and have many, acquaintances, friends and loved ones from both the Physical and Spiritual Realm. I practice, preach and spread love because I want to be the change I wish to see upon the World and the Universe.

    No. 6 – Ahahaha, true. In the end, we are all one and the same inside. It is when we are in a body, it is a test and testimony to practice trial-and-error as we accumulate wisdom and experiences along the way.

    7 – Aye, this is one of the reasons why a lot of people, souls and spirits appreciate my understanding, preaching and practice on that. I embrace that origin and purpose, that is why I am ever more courageous, wise, joyful, beautiful, powerful, compassionate, passionate and determined than who I was before.

    8 – Aye, we sure are. Life is really that simple but we sure love to complicate that. Good thing that the tide is turning now.

    Thank you so much, Annie and Billy. Your efforts will not be taken for granted.

    Bless you both and may the fruits of your labour give you amazing results of love, knowledge, wisdom and hope for the future (and the present).

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