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A Clue to the Mystery of Reincarnation

A Clue to the Mystery of Reincarnation


By Nancy Oakes

We all know there are many ways humans die. Some humans die before leaving the womb and some live to be very old. However one thing is for certain: One day, if you are human, you will die. Many people die in accidents, or choose liberation from a sick mind or body with suicide. Their families and friends feel cheated and describe their leaving, as “they are gone too soon.” Indeed it does feel this way for we are deeply attached in the physical and dependent on each other for many forms of personal fulfillment. Some of the names given to our attachments include soul mate, twin flame, even spouse as within a union of marriage. These relationships are also temporary for humans are subject to immediate change and/or transitions.

A lot of attention is on suicide because of the recent death of Robin Williams. An outpouring of love to his family has been evident all over the world, through the Internet and social media as well. I love one of the quotes I read by his daughter-“You- you alone will have stars as no on else has them…In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing”-she closed with “I’ll try to keep looking up.”

No matter how you leave the body you are attached to your soul eternally.

Many who speak of an after death experience say many of the same things, for example:

* Talked to Jesus, and other enlightened beings * Visited with loved ones who had died previously * Describe an unbelievable love, light, peace and magnificent colors * Many said the love was indescribable like nothing they have experienced in their body on earth * A place of non-judgment, non-punishment, and definitely no separation according to particular gender, sex or religious groups. * Did not want to leave, not forced to come back-but some kind of supernatural agreement to return * Changed forever, and will never be the same. * Returned to their body with the realization that what was really important was love * Felt compelled to help family and community.


Heaven A Place of Refueling For the Soul

Since the soul never dies this place of indescribable love, light and beauty is where all souls return to rest and reconnect, before choosing to return to another body. Perhaps souls are just hanging around by choice to the love and light not ready to return to a body and earth. I think that would be me-just hanging around with my loved ones and visiting with the “Great Enlightened Ones.” Could that be a real clue to what is beyond death and why all who describe after death experiences do not want to come back to earth. That space is really our SOURCE. Of course humans find it difficult to describe this place-for it can only be experienced by the spiritual soul, the eternal spark of humanity. Could reincarnation be part of the agreement according to the “Divine Plan”? By choice humans return to a hostile environment through human birth, leaving the perfect love, light, and beauty of a heavenly realm to operate in a vulnerable physical body?

All religions teach that this body- this time on earth is temporary. Those people who have reached a certain level of enlightenment, including Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Moses, indigenous elders, and wisdom keepers etc., have prepared text and repeated ancient stories for eons to guide their particular cultures back to their unique Source, and ancestral lineage.

Knowing your lineage can impact your purpose of life. It’s like knowing your way home!

I have a tremendous influence in my life that I will forever be grateful which remains with me through today. My grandmother was Cherokee from the Great Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. Our ancestors arrived from the star system, The Pleiades-The Seven Sisters. This is what my grandmother told me therefore it is true to me. I grew up learning about birth and death as a natural aspect of life. She taught me at a very early age that to fear death was pointless because on the other side of death was a great celebration for what you were able to accomplish. Grandmother said, “Serving your community and respecting all creation, creates harmony and balance, which is why we are here in this FRAGILE body.

Grandmother had a peace that radiate to everyone that was within her space. When my grandfather died she went about planning a great ceremony regarding his life, we honored him and she led us in prayers and wishes for him to go to on to his next journey. She reminded me the body can get tired, old and diseased and will die. ” She also said, “This universal message of the purpose of life is for all people, not based on one particular religion, or dogma, and when all of humanity remembers this message we will see the Fifth World arriving. The Fifth World arrives as humanity remembers who they are-either born of Sophia, Mother/Father God of the Universe, (the lineage of which Jesus was born) or descendants of those who arrived from other star systems.

See Also

These people came to provide specific information to build thriving communities on earth, a paradise, a place of abundance and freedom for all. This truth, I learned from my Cherokee grandmother, is really what we are here for, the reason for life. Being disconnected from this truth cause depression, and anxiety it’s like forgetting your way home and your purpose. For some people this confusion makes life unbearable, they remain in constant search for who they are.

What is Robin William’s reality today? Based on my heritage, and many great religious teachings he is experiencing unbelievable love, magnificent light and colors, like nothing he has ever witnessed before- in a space of non-judgment, and when he chooses he will return again to make millions of people laugh.

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About the Author

Nancy is the CEO of the “Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center.” She is a member of the Free Cherokee, and an adopted member of the United Lenape Band. Nancy is currently involved in the study of psychology, and cultural anthropology. Her first book is available on The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe. Nancy is an ally for the “Third Gender” LGBT communities. When our hearts are filled with love and we embrace all sacred creation humanity will witness the shift to a higher consciousness, and arrive in the New World. You can contact her at her email address:

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