The Importance of Letting Go

The son hung his head, “yes, I think that I do now.”
Max Lucado said, “Forgiveness is opening the prison door and realizing that you were the prisoner”.
So how do you go about doing that? Here is a step by step guide to help you get there.
LETTING GO OF THE PAST: FORGIVE, LET GO, ALLOW – Period of Releasing Past traumas… how to RELEASE these emotions and cleanse yourself.
4 Steps to Letting Go
Letting go of the past is one THE MOST important steps that you are going to take in your journey to perfect health. It all begins with you, continues with you and ends with you. YOU are the one that is creating your reality and only YOU can ever get rid of your own karma. Its an incredibly easy and yet debilitating hard thing to do, because when you are going to be going through this exercise you are going to be reliving all the traumas, all the unfairness’s, all the anger, and guilt, and fear of the past, BUT it’s a necessary process for you to go through in order to get to the level of health that you are seeking to get to.
Letting Go Step #1. Find a quite place, get a note pad, or sit by the computer, now sit down and breathe in deeply. Focus on your breathing and as you do so, begin remembering your whole life from the day that you were born.
Letting Go Step #2. Write down EVERYTHING about your life, all the negative experiences that you have ever had, just start writing them down. Allow everything to pour out of you, all the thoughts, all the emotions that you are going to go through, weather you believe that someone has done you wrong, write down all the negatives about that person, what do you feel, and why do you feel that way. Go through each and every single emotion and keep writing it all down. You are probably going to find yourself crying, and that is good, you need to release all of this pain that you have been carrying with you, that has been weighing you down all these years. If there was something that you wished to say to someone at that moment in time, you are going to need to release that now, speak out loud, pretend that that person is standing there and tell them all that you wanted to say.

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