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The Importance of Letting Go

The Importance of Letting Go


All of these are just simple examples of what each of us goes through each day, but it’s important to apply this to your own experiences at all times.

Letting Go Step #4 – Once you write everything down and release each and every single situation from your psyche its’ time to wrap it up. DO NOT RE-READ what you wrote. NEVER REREAD IT. You do not need to keep going through these experiences, you need to do this one time and fully release yourself from everything. Start with age 1 to present and keep going and never look back. Once you are done and there is no longer anything left in you.

You are to print out these words or collect your notes, hold them in your hands and say the following:

See Also

“I am deleting these emotions, feelings, acquired emotions and feelings from my life, now an forever more, now and forever, without any judgment for all involved, without any fear, for fear does not exist only love exists. I am sending these words into the light for healing and transmutation, for healing and transformation, for healing and love, and to the father and mother of all of the creation to the source of all that is, and in return I ask to be blessed with abundance on all levels, love on all levels, peace on all levels, gratitude on all levels, and everything else I wish and stand for and believe in. For I am pure for I am the violet flame, for I am love, for I am perfect, for I am powerful, for I am love itself, and goodness itself. For I am loved and loved I am.”

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