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Let Nature Feed Your Soul

Let Nature Feed Your Soul


by Alexandra Holzer

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” ~ Aristotle 384BC – 322BC

As I sit by my sill my eyes take me too the crinkling sounds being made by the mighty Oak tree. It is now time to change seasons where I live as the fall is slowly creeping into summer’s path and space. It is in this moment, I can reflect and steal a few minutes for my soul.

Change is on the horizon and Mother Nature provides us with much of our forecast. I hear nature in full volume. Depending on where we live on this great planet of ours, we are able to experience Mother Earth at her finest and at her worst. Life is a roller coaster ride for everyone as no-one is excused from this ordeal. It must be embraced not fought against.

When we stop to listen to nature and take in the sights and sounds we can tune into ourselves. It’s easy to walk by a beautiful blooming garden without much hesitation. It’s easy to ignore the crickets chirping out a tune. It’s easy to smell the smells outside and think nothing of it. What is difficult is retaining all that is pure and right with the world within this nature bounty.

Why? We step on our own feet and get in our own ways in our life paths sometimes. We’re so busy hustling and bustling about our daily lives that we forget. We forget to breathe. We forget to appreciate. We forget to understand how precious we all really are.

Let the laundry sit for a few more minutes. Let the cleaning rest if not just for a moment. Step outside into nature or peek your face out the open window. Here what she is saying as the leaves move in her winded and guided arms.

Calendars are man made and we live off the clock. We become accustomed to this way of life in the modern world. As with the luxuries it has to offer it has it’s pain and sorrows too. We must be able to balance both worlds in-order to comprehend why we are here.

We’re living in short term vessels, our bodies, which flow with life pulsating thru our veins. This is a gift. We are part of one whole and we all pump this life the same way no matter where we live, where we have been or where we are going.

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What makes up the difference is how we choose to be and what we stand for in our lives. Nature is part of our daily balance and if we can stop a moment to reflect with her, we can open up our inner intuitiveness to lead us the way we are meant to go.

It is not about being right or being wrong. It is not about who you may or may not anger or please. It is simply about being one with nature to live your life with open eyes, arms and a warm heart. If one can truly incorporate this ‘Nature Philosophy’ then I believe we will end up with the right places, people and movements in our daily lives moving forward.

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About the Author

Neo-Pulp Writer, Author and Scientific Paranormal Researcher Alexandra Holzer, is no stranger to the world of the supernatural, publishing or art. She attended The Fashion Institute of Technology following her mother Artist Countess Catherine Buxhoeveden, who also attended. She follows in her late famous father’s (Parapsychologist Dr. Hans Holzer) ghostly footsteps. While helping others with readings and paranormal cases, Holzer has gone on investigations but feels that her expertise lies not just with haunted homes, places or people, but also in getting ‘impressions’ and being ‘sensitive’ to her surroundings on a quest for the unknown with a sense of humor. She grew up haunted and therefore has known nothing else. To learn more about this author, please visit:

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