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Numerology: September Forecast

Numerology: September Forecast


by Alison Baughman

There is important information about September so be sure to check your Personal Monthly Forecasts. This month literally doubles the energy in your chart because your Personal Month Number matches your Personal Year Number. That brings intensity to what you have been experiencing this year. Make September work for you by taking the best possible advantage of this energy and using it wisely. The overall influence on September is on letting go of what no longer serves you and finishing up whatever has been left undone in your life. Sometimes we hold on to emotional pain and do not realize we are hurting ourselves in the process. We cannot move forward if we are still living in the past. It is not easy to forgive and move on but that is exactly what you need to do. By allowing pain caused by someone else to undermine your happiness, you are actually allowing that person to continue to hurt you. It is time to take a different perspective and value yourself enough to release the pain and refuse to let the past interfere with your future.

There is a great deal of emphasis on emotions and relationships this month and perhaps it is time to sit down and do a little reflection. Give yourself some time to release and heal and also empower yourself by making conscious choices about what you allow in your life.

If you have any project that needs to be finished, September is the month to focus on that. October will be bringing in a taste of what 2015 has in store for you so prepare for the future by making room for new beginnings.

If you do not know your Personal Year Number, click: Calculate Your Personal Year Number

September Numerology Forecast by Personal Year

If you are in a 1 PERSONAL YEAR, September is a 1 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

Expect a busy month possibly with over activity or dealing with multiple new opportunities. If you are looking for a new start, this is your month. The key word here is new.

Curb your ego, avoid selfishness, aggressiveness or anger as you will be prone to all of those emotions. Over doing on any of these emotions could spell trouble for you so keep them in check. Start practicing counting to 10. Still, you need to proceed with confidence and stand in your power but just don’t over power anyone along the way.

Get ready because you will be feeling the “need for speed” this month. You are chomping at the bit to get something done and have the energy and determination to accomplish your goals.

This is an excellent month to begin something so use that energy to your advantage. Things begun under the influence of the 1 energy tend to be quite successful. I even encourage you to use the 1st, and 10th of September as a launch date.

DO: Begin a new project DON’T: Get into an argument


If you are in a 2 PERSONAL YEAR, September is an 11 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

You may experience nervous tension, depression, indecisiveness and lack of direction. This is due to the higher vibration of this month and I reassure you, it is temporary. Seek out peaceful and serene activities this month and get plenty of rest. Spending time in nature or perhaps listening to music might just soothe your soul. There may be delays or roadblocks to moving forward and patience is needed. It is all about the timing of things and right now the timing is not right so don’t worry.

You also may be oversensitive and your feelings could be easily hurt. Please consider this before you go off the deep end reacting to something someone said or did. You could save yourself some heartache by asking yourself first if they intended to hurt you. If they inadvertently hurt your feelings and were not aware that what they said or did would have hurt you, it is a matter of no harm no foul intended. Taking that attitude just might save you from unneeded stress.

Your dreams can be very insightful and even prophetic this month. Pay attention to your intuition. You are extremely receptive this month for psychic insight.

Try to avoid any arguments or disagreements. The best course is to find a diplomatic solution to any problems. Better to forgive and let go. Find a compromise.

There may be the proverbial “message from above” hidden somewhere in this month. Ask yourself, what my experiences are trying to teach me.

Romance is on the agenda so if single, you could meet someone very special. DO: Meditate and ground your energy DON’T: Let your emotions get the best of you


If you are in a 3 PERSONAL YEAR, September is a 3 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

My aren’t you charming this month? Hopefully, your calendar fills up with lots of social engagements. Get out there and have some fun!

Be aware though, you may tend to scatter your energy and be impulsive. It may be difficult to accomplish anything this month or to stay disciplined and on task. You will find yourself to be easily distracted. Unresolved emotions may rise to the surface and you may find yourself expressing them in sudden outbursts. Be careful not to be too flippant or sarcastic as somebody’s feelings may get hurt. The good news is that it should turn out to be a fairly pleasant month for you. Romance is on the agenda.

Focus on a creative project as that is the best direction to take this energy. Whether it is an artistic project or something having to do with writing, this is a good month to be creative.

Be careful with your money as you may regret expensive purchases by month’s end however, I do encourage you to buy a lottery ticket though because this month is your lucky month.

Pay attention to your intuition and also to your dreams. Your dreams could be downright prophetic. Most importantly, greet each day with your best smile and be cheerful as you could be downright inspirational this month.

DO: Use visualization and positive thought DON’T: Be reckless with your money


If you are in a 4 PERSONAL YEAR, September is a 4 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

This is a good time to focus on the foundation of your life whether it is in the career or home sector. You might want to focus on doing some home repairs. If you have a website for your business, you may want to look it over and make improvements. Look at your finances and make sure everything is in order. Take care of your health because your health can suffer from work related stress this month. You will find that you have little time off this month and work will be exceedingly frustrating. You must follow the rules this month and discipline yourself. Work at being organized and efficient because there is a mountain of work to do. Even if you are a stay at home Mom, the workload this month could seem daunting.

On an emotional level, be careful of being judgmental which can affect relationships, especially in the workplace. Try to be more tolerant of people.

This year has been one that put allot of work on your shoulders and you may be a bit weary but things will change next month and I promise you October brings in a taste of things to come in your future. You will have more freedom next year, I promise.

Getting more rest and eating right and making good use of what little time you do have off from work to relax and refresh is a good tip for you this month.

DO: Pace yourself with work and stay focused DON’T: Break any rules


If you are in a 5 PERSONAL YEAR, September is a 5 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

Things may get very hectic this month and do not be surprised if you are handling more than one thing at once. Your life could feel like a juggling act. You may even feel like you are having a hard time staying on top of things. Just try to go with the flow and be prepared to make some adjustments and practice being adaptable. You may have to deal with sudden unexpected developments and act quickly. This is a good month to market yourself and your ideas and by all means communicate!~ Also be adventurous and be open to new ideas or opportunities to expand.

When it comes to excess, use moderation especially with drinking and drugs.

If you are considering asking for a promotion or even considering changing jobs, this month will be favorable for you to make such a change. People also often move in a 5 month.

You will be impulsive so give careful thought to any permanent changes you are considering.

You also should be careful with your money. You could take a risk that does not work out for you so proceed with a bit more caution. If you have the opportunity to travel or take a vacation, this is the month to do it. Keep that luggage handy!

DO: Communicate your ideas and market yourself DON’T: Be reckless as you might be more accident prone


If you are in a 6 PERSONAL YEAR, September is a 6 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

This month could be demanding on you in regards to your family or loved ones. You may have to assume more responsibility to take care of someone. There may simply be more family gatherings on the agenda such as a wedding or family reunion. This month can put a strain on your relationships with your loved ones. Work on any relationships that you have been having trouble with. This is a good time for healing. Open up the lines of communication and express your feelings from the heart.

See Also
Numerology Elemental Personality.

Financially this should be a good month. You may receive word of a pay raise but with it comes more responsibility. If you have been involved in any legal affairs, they may surface this month as well. If you are in a relationship, you may find it becomes more serious this month and a commitment is made. If you are single, you may meet someone who has potential .

DO: Spend time with your family DON’T: Take on so much responsibility that you begin to feel resentful


If you are in a 7 PERSONAL YEAR, September is a 7 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

Take some time off and rest this month. Do not be surprised that circumstances happen to allow you more time off from your normal routine.

Somehow, someway you will have extra time off to gather your thoughts and contemplate your life. It is time to back away from the normal business of life and take a soulful journey. You will find your dreams to be vivid and insightful. You will sense and feel more than what meets the eye. Things that are hidden may surface. You may question things on a deeper level.

Try not to be concerned with your career or finances this month because you will be back to all of that next month, but rather, honor this time in your life to go deeper within. Grab a book, go for a walk, take some well-deserved naps and try to enjoy this time off. Some people are not comfortable with solitude but it does serve a greater purpose.

You may be prone to saying the wrong thing or being misunderstood so choose your words carefully. This is a great month to take a class, workshop or do anything related to education. It is also a good month to get a reading for additional insight or try something holistic such as a Reiki treatment.

DO: Meditate or spend time in nature DON’T: Resist the urge to rest.


If you are in an 8 PERSONAL YEAR, September is an 8 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

This year has placed emphasis on money and your career. You may very well have had more money than usual but you may also have had additional expenses. This year could have emphasized your financial problems as well. This month will certainly give you an opportunity to get your financial house in order. The good news is that most people experience this month to be a positive one financially. You may be feeling as though you have reached the highest level of achievement in your job and are questioning what is next for you. Be advised to not make any changes or long term commitments but rather just wait until you have a clearer direction. Work hard, be authoritative but avoid being controlling this month.

You may be in your power to the point of being egotistical so be aware that you could alienate people by month’s end.

DO: Use sound judgment DON’T: Make any major purchases because you might need that money for an unexpected expense


If you are in a 9 PERSONAL YEAR, September is a 9 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

This is not a good month to begin something new. It would be best to use the energy of this month to finish up old projects. Maybe you never finished that book, or art project or perhaps some home related improvement remains unfinished. Now is the time to tie up all loose ends. It may even be a proposal at work or work related.

If you have relationship problems from the past, this month may offer you an opportunity to resolve them however, sometimes the resolution is to let go. It can be an extremely emotional month. Sometimes we choose to let go and other times, we have no choice. Either way, something has to give this month. “The past comes back to haunt you” certainly applies here. Better to work things out one way or another. You have been going through some deep soul searching this year and perhaps reflecting back and contemplating future changes in your life regarding the direction you are going in. It is a time to examine your life and let go of what is no longer necessary and make room for a new era in your life that is soon to come.

Make room for the future by clearing out all unnecessary things in your life. You might even do a little house cleaning before it is all said and done.

Spend some time envisioning where you would like to be in your future. Time to focus on your dreams and aspirations and send a clear message to the Universe of what you would like to create in your life. If you are unemployed and looking for a new job, be patient as a new opportunity is coming next month for you.

DO: Avoid the drama and control your emotions DON’T: Hold on to the past

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