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OMTimes Magazine September C 2014 Edition

OMTimes Magazine September C 2014 Edition

OMTimes Magazine September C 2014 Edition

OMTimes Magazine September C 2014 EditionOMTimes believes it is picture perfect to have Akiane on the cover of the OMTimes Magazine September C 2014 Edition.

Akiane is an artistic child prodigy, artist and poet: a Visionary and Spiritual Artist penetrating and revealing the mysteries of the unknown with unsurpassed emotion and realism. She is an internationally recognized prodigy, considered the youngest binary genius in both realism art and poetry. She has been featured in more than 100 international television shows and doocumentaries and is also a best-selling author of two books, “Akiane: her life, her art her poetry” and “Akiane: My Dream is Bigger than I”. Her amazing paintings are in such demand that Akaine is the most successful living visual art child prodigy in the world.

OMTimes is privledged to share this exclusive interview.

OMTimes is a Holistic Green eZine with a Spiritual, Self-growth perspective for the Conscious Community. OM Times was created to share new ways of thinking to promote Healing on personal, community and global levels; and to bring attention to the individuals and organizations that are making a difference.

OMTimes: Co-Creating a More Conscious Lifestyle

See Also
OMTimes Magazine December B 2018 Edition

To enjoy the multimedia edition with its eye-catching graphics, mp3s and videos, click the cover or visit:

OMTimes Magazine September C 2014 Edition

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