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Oracle for September 2014 – Alignment

Oracle for September 2014 – Alignment


by Darity Wesley

Alignment – The energies and directions for the month of September are evolving around our Alignment; i.e., consciously aligning ourselves with our Divine Essence, our Higher Self, our Soul, All That Is – however you describe that energy. It is time to focus on not only aligning, but then, on maintaining the practices of staying aligned.

This year of breakthroughs and/or breakdowns has had us practicing energetic concepts to deepen and broaden who we are in Spirit and in the world. We have moved through lots of different energies this year so far. We started 2014 by grounding our visions, being flexible as we walk along, integrating integrity and conviction to our spiritual toolkits and then contemplating it all. The Oracle had us opening our energies to more and more Spirit downloads and then diverging from it in order to move into being more and more authentic. More and more REAL. And now, with all of that behind us or within us, as the case may be, we must now move into alignment.

We humans are all over the place with our energies: between the heart, the mind, the body, emotions, intellect, pleasure and what all that creates is a very scattered energy. September is the time to shift, shift, shift–not indiscriminately, but shift yourself into alignment with the highest good for your life, for your family, for our planet, solar system, galaxy, and cosmos. Oh yes!

So, the Oracle of Alignment is here to point us in the direction of energetically squaring our shoulders, making sure our heads are in the center of our shoulders, straight up and sending energy out of the top of our heads to a sphere just above our heads about, say four feet up, wrap your energy around this sphere and bring in down to sit on the top of your head. Now, allow yourself to feel its energy join with yours, feel it move down your arms, down your hips, down your legs and right into Mother Earth. Maintain this sensation, stay with it, hold on to the experience and send the energy throughout your physical and etheric bodies. Let any visions come for you in this process. Write down what you see and experience. I saw what I thought were horns, but the more I looked, inwardly of course, and the more I concentrated, I discovered they were old time TV “rabbit ears” – antenna – Aha, I said – a way for me to experience “tuning in” to get a clear signal! Yes, I am on it!!!

Put your middle fingers on the center of your ears, closing out the world, at the same time, put your pinky fingers at the edges of your eyes – see if you can feel the change, feel the transmissions, call for your alignment and allow whatever comes to come.

Alignment means to line up, to be in sequence with whatever we are aligning to. In our case, further spiritual and personal development is the direction in which we are traveling and September tells us it is time to really and truly authentically align ourselves to that Divine Essence that we are, to the ethical pathway in life, and to the compassion the world needs now.

The chaos and distortion happening in the old world as it strives to hold on to the way it used to be is causing an enormous amount of pain for lots and lots of folks. I loved when Solara ( said in her August Surf Report, paraphrasing here, that it is like a sub-species has taken over our planet – these folks don’t care about feeding the hungry, saving our environment, making the world a better place…this sub-species seems to be totally lacking in compassion.

It is us, you, me and other like-minded folks, that will birth the new world right here in the middle of all this chaos. The old world will not go quietly into the background and our next step is to help solidify all we are processing and align ourselves with that energy, that love, that compassion, that understanding. We have to align with our spirit, our guides, and our angels.

We need to constantly remain in alignment and therein is the practice. This is the state of “walking your talk.” I see it all the time, every day, “spiritual” folks whose lives and emotions are in chaos. Now I am not judging or making that wrong in any way. We are all going through our stuff. What I am saying is that if this is the case with your life, then align daily, constantly reminding yourself minute by minute, if necessary, to stay grounded and aligned no matter what. We are provided opportunities for growth every step of the way on our journey through this life. Many times when I would like to lash out or beat myself up for something, I stop and say “This/he/she is my teacher!” I am to learn not to react, to stay aligned with Spirit and do the right thing, take the high road.

I have probably shared this on the Oracle before, but I share again because I have found how much it supports alignment and that is Jiddu Krishnamurti (Writer, Philosopher, Spiritual leader, 1875 – 1986) called his secret to life: “I don’t mind what happens!” Profound if you get it! An aligning practice if you use it.

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So, this Oracle is here to say, yet again, no matter what is going on in front of you, it is first an illusion, then it’s an experience which you can use to align, to keep yourself aligned with the Spirit Being you are or want to be.

There are some massive changes on the way. Those of us with our hearts aligned with our Spirit will be able to support the birthing of the new world. Being aligned through these changing times will keep you strong and powerful. You are therefore, encouraged by the Oracle to align your ego, your mind, your inside voice with your heart, with your Spirit, with your Higher Knowing…your Higher Self. This will support the expansion of your Spirit. Know that Spirit supports you each and every step of the way and always, always remember to be the change you want to see in the world and to do it with love…always with love. Let your mantra for the month of September be: I AM aligning my real and true self with my higher self, my Spirit, my guides…All That Is…And So It Is!!!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2014 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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